surah nahl ka tarjuma
Surah An-Nahl . In fact, Allah knows what they hide and what they declare. In order that He may tell them plainly that in which they used to dispute and in order that, the infidels shouldknow that they were liars. And necessarily, you will be asked of your works. And be not like that woman who has broken her yarn into pieces, after it has become strong. Al-Kahf in Para Number 15 and 16. [Surah Fatiha 5] Raasta un logon ka jinpar tune I’naam farmaya. وَ سَخَّرَ لَكُمُ الَّیْلَ وَ النَّهَارَۙ-وَ الشَّمْسَ وَ الْقَمَرَؕ-وَ النُّجُوْمُ مُسَخَّرٰتٌۢ بِاَمْرِهٖؕ-اِنَّ فِیْ ذٰلِكَ لَاٰیٰتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ یَّعْقِلُوْنَۙ(۱۲) You are surelyto be questioned as to what you used to forge. That they may be ungrateful to what Good, We have bestowed them. Shall he keep it with disgrace or buryit in the dust? QURAN MAJEED KA ASAAN HINDI TARJUMA - ISLAMIC HINDI QURAN.pdf Addeddate 2012-09-21 02:07:42 Identifier QuranMajeedKaAsaanHindiTarjuma-IslamicHindiQuran.pdf Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2j68pq5h Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Ppi 300. plus-circle Add Review. Surah Al Hujurat (in Arabic text: الحجرات) is the 49th chapter of the Qur’an with 18 ayats. No doubt, Ibrahim was a Leader, obedient to Allah and separate from all other and was not a polytheist. The day when every soul will come disputing towards itself; and every soul shall be paid in full for what it didand they shall not be wronged. Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. We shall bring you as a witness against all those. Will he be equal to him who orders Justice and he ishimself on the straight path? Surah Qadr with Urdu Translation. These are they upon whose hearts and ears and eyes Allah has set a seal and it is they lying heedlessly. Therefore travel inthe land and behold. And they appoint for Allah what they themselves dislike and their tongues tell lie that for them is good. Nodoubt. Will you then fearany other than Allah? Browse more videos. And you see boats cleaving through it. And those whom they worship besides Allah create nothing but they are themselves created. And no doubt, a messenger came to them from amongst themselves then they belied him, then the tormentseized them and they were unjust. Those who disbelieved and debarred from the path of Allah We increased torment upon torment, therecompense of their mischief. By Allah' We have sent messengers to many nations before you, then the devil (Satan) made their worksbeautiful in their eyes so he is their companion this day and for them is the torment painful. Have they not seen the birds tied to order in the firmament of the heaven, none hold them save Allah? Your Lord knows well who has strayed from His way and He knows well those who are guided. Then We revealed to you that follow the faith of Ibrahim who was separate from all falsehood and was not apolytheist. Al-Isra in Para Number 15. No doubt. And horses and mules and asses that you may ride upon them and for adornment And He will create what youknow not. Merciful. atch Shan e Ramzan Transmission | e The surah's position in the Quran in Juz 14 and it is called Makki sura. He admonishes you that you may be mindful. And Allah gave you shades out of things He made, and made for you shelters in the mountains, and made foryou some garments to protect you from heat and some garments to protect you in fighting. We sent down to you the Remembrance that you mayexplain to people what was sent down to them and that haply they may ponder. Surah Fatiha Tafseer In Urdu. Surah Luqman(لقمان) 31:1 Alif-Lãm-Mĩm. Recite Quran Pak With Urdu Translation. Say 'The Holy spirit has brought it down from your Lord with truth, that He may make firm the believers and asa guidance and glad tidings to the Muslims.'. Then those who have been preferredwill not divert their means of subsistence to their hand maid slaves. This Surah contains many lessons for Muslims to live by. Total Verses 128, Total Ruku’s 16, Makki Surah 17. All Doing. And created cattle, In them, there is warm costume and there are profits, and of them, you eat. He created the heavens without pillars—as you can see—and placed firm mountains upon the earth so it does not shake with … Thankful to His Blessings Allah chose him and showed him the straight path. Whoso denies Allah after believing in Him save him who is compelled and his heart is firm in belief, yes whosobecomes infidel with open heart, upon them is the wrath of Allah and for them is the great torment. In it, there is sign for a peoplewho remember. How was the end of those who belied. And Allah has created you from the wombs of your mothers while you knew nothing, and gave you ears andeyes and hearts so that you may be grateful. Surah Nahl with Urdu Translation. And undoubtedly, in the Hereafter he is among the righteous. Nodoubt, your Lord thereafter is necessarily Forgiving. Then their evil earnings befell them and surrounded them that they used to mock at. Arabic Text with Urdu and English Translation - Surah An-Nahl . And We gave him good, in the world. And Allah knows that what you conceal and what you reveal. This is the chapter #16 of the Holy Quran was revealed in Makki and there are 128 verses. And if Allah had willed, He would have made you a single nation but Allah leads astray whom He pleases andguides whom He pleases. Do then, those who devise evil plans not fear that Allah may sink them in the earth, or the torment may cometo them from whence they know not? And undoubtedly your, Lord will judgebetween them on the Day of Judgment about that in which they differed. And Allah has made for you women from among your selves and created for you from your women, sons, andgrandsons and provided you with clean things. There is a short enjoyment and for them is the painful torment. And Allah gave you houses for habitation, and made for you of the skins of cattle some houses which are lightfor the day you travel and for the day you stay at stage, and from their wool and fur and hair some householdgoods and the things of use for a time. And We have not sent down this Book to you but in order that you may make clear to them that about whichthey differ, and a guidance and mercy for the believers. And no doubt, We sent a messenger in every nation (saying) that 'Worship Allah, and avoid the devil (Satan)then some of them were guided by Allah and upon some of them astraying came rightly. And no doubt, there is a lesson for you in the cattle. Holy is He and is exalted above all theassociates. And say not what your tongues tell falsely this is lawful and this is unlawful so that you may forge lie againstAllah. By Allah'. Do they then believe in false-hood and deny the favour ofAllah? 21 CENTURY. Playing next. And they carry your loads to a city, which you could not reach but being heavily tired. That you eat fresh flesh from it and bring forth from itornaments which you wear. Now comes the Command of Allah, therefore, ask not to hasten it. Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good admonition and argue with them in a way that is best. And they swear by Allah with the utmost endeavor in their oaths that Allah will not raise the deadness, yeswhy, the true promise is on Him but most people know not. The surah's position in the Quran in Juz 30 and it is called Makki sura. Quran Ki Hifazat| Surat Al-Hijr 9| Ayat | HD. Then the roof fell down on them from above. It is because they knew the life of the world more pleasing than the life of the Hereafter, and because Allahguides not (such) infidels. And those who left their homes and hearths in the way of Allah being oppressed. IQRA In The Name Of Allah. No doubt, those before them had plotted against them, and then Allah brought down their structure from thefoundation. 3:40. Read Surah Quraish with Urdu Translation or tarjuma in text and audio mp3 - It is the 106 Surah in the Quran with 4 verses, you can read full Surah Quraish with Urdu Translation or tarjuma online. And there is beauty in them for you, when you bring them back in the evening and when you leave them forgrazing. With clear arguments and Books. Yes why not. And when those who associated partners will see their associates, they will say, 'O our Lord! And certainly We shall give tothose who are patient that reward befitting to their best work. Undoubtedly, He likes not the proud ones. Tarteeb e Nuzool:(70) Tarteeb e Tilawat:(16) Mushtamil e Para:(14) Total Aayaat:(128) Total Ruku:(16) Total Words:(2082) Total Letters:(7745) Shiekh Abu Hassan Ishaq Swati pashto bayan...dars 93Quran Lafzi Tarjuma ... "Surah Nahl" ...ayat 65 to 83...#Surah_Nahl#Dars_93#Shiekh_Abu_Hassan And they appoint daughters for Allah, Holy is He, and for themselves, they have what they desire. O beloved, there is nothing upon you but to deliver clearly. These are the verses of the Quran and the Bright Book..1: A guidance and glad tidings to the believers..2: What is with you will be exhausted and what is with Allah is to remain forever. He is far high above from their associates. Holy is He and is exalted above all theassociates..1: Is surat mein 7 ayatein, 27 kalmein aur 140 huroof hain. It is He Who sent down water from the heaven, there is drink therefrom for you, and from which are trees bywhich you pastures. And it is He Who has made the sea subservient for you. And undoubtedly, We know that they say 'It is only 'a man who teaches him. And way marks. Study Quran Pak Surah, Ayat word to word with Urdu Translation, Read Quran majeed ka lafzi tarjuma. Then when you recite Quran, ask refuge of Allah from the devil (Satan) the rejected one. Total Verses 99, Total Ruku’s 6, Makki Surah 16. No doubt. And when We exchange one verse for the other and Allah knows well what he. And if Allah would have seized people for their wrong doings, then He would have left no crawling creature onearth, but He defers them till a time fixed, then when their term will come, they can not remain behind a singlehour, nor can they go ahead of it. He created the heavens and earth rightly. And do not make your oaths as unfounded excuse amongst yourselves lest any foot may slip after its beingmade firm and you may have to taste evil for you used to hinder from the path of Allah and a great tormentdescend on you. And whatever is in the heavens and earths His only and only His obedience is incumbent. No doubt, Allah is with those who fear and do good. Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. Gardens of abode, which they will enter. Anything we intend, our saying to it is that We say 'Be' it becomes atones. Then Allah made it to taste thispunishment that it was caused to wear the garment of hunger and fear, the recompense of what they did. To start viewing messages, select the … And O' Beloved! Nodoubt, in it there is sign for those who believe. Lo! And the matter of the Hour is not but as twinkling of theeye but even nearer than. Allah has created you. No doubt, those who believe not in the verses of Allah, Allah guides them not and for them is the painfultorment. He hides himself from the people, because of the evil of this good tiding. Its provision came in abundance from allsides, then it began showing un-thank fullness to the blessings of Allah. And they will fell submissively to Allah on that day and what they used to forge will be lost from them. Total Verses 111, Total Ruku’s 12, Makki Surah 18. The surah ikhlas ka tarjuma is that no one is equal to God, no one supernatural power also can control God, there is nothing in this world that can control the power of God, that’s why they are unique. And had He willed, He would have guidedyou all together. Indeed, He is the Hearing, 3 the Seeing. The surah's position in the Quran in Juz 29 and it is called Makki sura. Hear! And He has set up anchors in the earth. No doubt, Allah knows and you know not. And the polytheists said, 'had Allah willed, we would not have worshipped anything save Him, neither we norour fathers' nor we would have forbidden anything apart from Him thus did those before them; then what is onthe messengers, but to deliver clearly. The night and the day and the sun and the moon. And undoubtedly, the reward of the Hereafter is much greater; anyhow, people wouldhave known. And for Allah is the secret thing of heavens and earth. 0:29. Surah Quraish with Urdu Translation. And the middle path is rightly upto Allah and some path is crooked. quran-karim-ghoran-surah-16-an-nahl-farsi-persian-dari-translation-tafsir-maana-tarjuma-pdf Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2p630z5q Ocr language not currently OCRable Pages 21 Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3 Allah explained an example, that there is a slave, a property of the other, having himself no power, and thereis one whom We have provided from Ourselves with good provision, then he spends out of it secretly andopenly whether they will be equal? Undoubtedly, there is asign in it for those who have ears. In it, there is sign for a people who ponder. Yeh Surat Makki bhi hai aur Madani bhi hai. And that you seek of His bounty and thathaply you may be grateful to Him. And the stars aresubservient by His Command. And We made specially unlawful to the Jews those things which We have already related to you, and Weoppressed them not yes they used to wrong their own souls. Study Quran Pak Surah, Ayat word to word with Urdu Translation, Read Quran majeed ka lafzi tarjuma. And if you give punishment then punish them to the extent they had afflicted you, and if you be patient, thenundoubtedly, patience is best 'for those who are patient. Offering your Holy Quran Translation and Quran Transliteration in English and several other languages, Quran recitation has never been easier. Streams running beneath, they will get Therein what they wish. is a Sadaqah Jariyah. And of the fruits of date palms and the grapes, you make therefrom a non-alcoholic drink and a good provision.Undoubtedly, in it, there is a sign for a people of wisdom. Thus does Hecomplete His favour on you, that you may submit to His Command. You make ouroaths an unreal excuse amongst yourselves so that one community may not be more numerous than anothercommunity. Total Verses 110, Total Ruku’s 12, Makki Surah 19. Humko seedhe raaste par chala. 'Warn that none to be worshipped save Me. Read Surah Nahl with Urdu Translation or tarjuma in text and audio mp3 - It is the 16 Surah in the Quran with 128 verses, you can read full Surah Nahl with Urdu Translation or tarjuma online. Then He will cause you to die. Then when He removes evil from you, then a group of you begins to associate others with their Lord. And necessarily, He will make clear to you on the Day of Judgment as towhat you used to dispute. Will then He who creates become like him who creates not? [^] (SAJDA) 3. ——————————————–Parah # 1—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 12—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 13—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 14—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 15—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 16—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 17—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 18—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 19—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 20—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 21—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 22—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 23—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 24—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 25—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 26—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 27—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 28—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 29—————————————————–, ——————————————–Parah # 30—————————————————–. With our Al Quran explorer feature, just with a tap, you can select the Surah you want to recite or listen Quran mp3 audio! Then eat out of the provisions of Allah lawful and clean and be thankful of the blessing of Allah if you worshipHim. And the day when We shall raise a witness from every nation, then the infidels will neither be permitted norshall they be pleased. Then eat of every kind of fruit, and walk the ways of your Lord that is smooth and easy for you. With this water, He causes to grow for you crops and olives and dates and grapes and fruits of every kind. Whoever works good, male or female and be a Muslim, then certainly We shall make him live a good life andnecessarily We shall give them their reward befitting to their best work. Then on the Day of Judgment He will disgrace them and will say 'where are those my associates, regardingwhom you used to dispute.' And your Lord inspired the bee that makes houses in the hills and in the trees and in the roofs. And they worship beside Allah such, which have no power to give any provision from the heavens and earth,nor can they do anything. The surah's position in the Quran in Juz 27 and it is called Makki sura. So that they know not after having knowledge. Those lives are taken out by the angels while they were wronging themselves. Now comes the Command of Allah, therefore, ask not to hasten it. Learn Quran online with tajweed One Month Free Trial Quran Lessons for beginners, kid, adult on Skype. Those, whose lives are taken out by angles while they are pure, saying, 'Peace be upon you.' They are dead. Surah Najm with Urdu Translation. He has made unlawful to you only these, the dead, and the blood. And Allah explained a saying of a town, which was safe and satisfied. Read Surah Muzammil with Urdu Translation or tarjuma in text and audio mp3 - It is the 73 Surah in the Quran with 20 verses, you can read full Surah Muzammil with Urdu Translation or tarjuma online. SURAT KAFIROON , SURAT IKHLAS , SURAT FALAQ , SURAT NAAS with URDU TRANSLATION. And they appoint a portion out of what We have provided them for unknown things. Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. Then no doubt, your Lord, for them who left their homes after being tortured, then they struggled andremained patient, no doubt, your Lord thereafter is necessarily Forgiving, Merciful. Then enjoy a little, but soon you willcome to know. They fear their Lord above them and do what they are commanded. Or that He may catch them by a process of slow wastage. Iqra | Surah … Full Quran Ka Urdu Tarjuma ( Quran Urdu translation ) If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. We hope to make it easy for everyone to read, study, and learn The Noble Quran. Arabic Text with Urdu Translation. In it, there are signs for the wise people. The surah's position in the Quran in Juz 30 and it is called Makki sura. We give you to drink of what is in their bellies frombetween the dung and blood, milk pure easy to swallow for the drinkers. Allah tries you thereby. All praise belongs to Allah. And when the wrongdoers will see the torment, and then it shall not be lightened from them nor will they gettime. Allahthus recompenses the duty bound. And they do not know nor when the people will be raised. The condition of those who believe not in the Hereafter is evil one' and the glory of Allah is Loftiest. Quran Translation Surah An-Nahl in English. Surah Al-Kahf(الكهف) 18:1 All praise is for Allah Who has revealed the Book to His servant,1 allowing no crookedness in it, Looks like either your browser does not support Javascript or its disabled. And it was said to the God fearing 'What is that your Lord sent down' they said good for those who did good inthis world. Sends down, the infidels say,'you make it on your own.' We shall surely give themgood place in the world. But most of them know not. Then set not similitudes for Allah. Be patient and your patience is because of Allah and grieve not for them and be not strainedbecause of their plots. Allah is All Knowing. He has his control over those who befriend him and those who set associates with Him. Or that He may seize them while going to and fro, because they can not tire Him. No doubt, your Lord ismost Kind, Merciful. And whatever good thing you have is all from Allah then touches you for shelter. Here you find the translation of Quran in Urdu from Kanzul Iman (Translated by Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat Maulana Shah Ahmed Raza Khan) Then what an evil abode of the proud ones. Then if they turn away their faces then. [Surah Fatiha 6] Surah Fatiha Urdu Tarjuma. And Allah explained an example, there are two men, one dumb who can do nothing and is a burden over hismaster wherever he sends him, he brings to him no good. Allah in the name of The Most Affectionate, the Merciful. enter paradise forwhat you did. And the torment came to them whence they werenot aware. And have they not observed that whatever Allah has made, their shadows turn right and left prostrating toAllah and they are abased before Allah? Learn Quran online with tajweed One Month Free Trial Quran Lessons for beginners, kid, adult on Skype. Arabic Text with Urdu and English Translation - Surah An-Naml . Shiekh Abu Hassan Ishaq Swati pashto bayan...dars 94Quran Lafzi Tarjuma ... "Surah Nahl" ...ayat 84 to 111...#Surah_Nahl#Dars_94#Shiekh_Abu_Hassan then fear Me. Beyond doubt, Allah knows well what they used to do. And fulfil the covenant of Allah when you have made the covenant, and break not the oaths after making themfast, and you have already made Allah a surety upon you. Undoubtedly, Allah bids justice and good doing and giving to kindred and forbids indecency and wicked thingsand rebellion. Daura e Tarjuma e Quran | Surah Hijr | Surah Nahl | Segment 2 Host: Shuja Uddin Sheikh ... Pani Ka Nizam | Surat Al-Hijr 22 | Ayat | HD. Read Surah Qadr with Urdu Translation or tarjuma in text and audio mp3 - It is the 97 Surah in the Quran with 5 verses, you can read full Surah Qadr with Urdu Translation or tarjuma online. 4 — Saheeh International But most of them know not. Holy Quran, Quran ka Tarjuma Hindi, Translation Quran In Hindi. Say you, 'I take refuge with the Lord of Daybreak..1: From the evil of all creatures;.2: And from the evil of the darkening one when it sets..3: No doubt, those who forge lie against Allah, they will not prosper. That they may bear their loads in full on the Day of Judgment and also some loads of those whom they misledby their ignorance. सूरह नास हिंदी तर्जुमा हिंदी तफ़्सीर आला हजरत कंज़ुल ईमान Surah Naas In Hindi,Surah Naas Tarjuma Or Tafseer Kanzul Iman Aala Hajrat ,Quran Surah 114 Hindi These are ourassociates whom we used to worship besides You. Read Surah Najm with Urdu Translation or tarjuma in text and audio mp3 - It is the 53 Surah in the Quran with 62 verses, you can read full Surah Najm with Urdu Translation or tarjuma online. Surah Rahman with Urdu Translation Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Offering your Holy Quran Translation and Quran Transliteration in English and several other languages, Quran recitation has never been easier. There comesout from their bellies a drink of varied colors in which there is healing for the people Undoubtedly in it there issign for those who ponder. So that they all should become equal in it.Do they then deny the blessing of Allah? And they are the persons who have crossed the limit. And that which He has created for you of various kinds in the land. And He isthe Honorable, Wise. No doubt, your Lord is very Kind, Merciful. And He has made subservient for you. Reviews Na unka jinpar gazab huwa na gumrahon ka. Not alive. very bad, they judge. IQRA In The Name Of Allah. And when the good tiding of the birth of a daughter is conveyed to any of them, then his face remains black allalong the day, and he suppresses his anger. Now they will offer submissionthat we were not doing any evil. And the day when We shall raise a witness in every community from amongst themselves that they may giveevidence against them and O beloved! Surah Falaq Or Surah Naas Ka Tarjuma By Hazrat Maulana Manzoor Yousuf Sahab Damatbarakatuhum The use of a source of information from And Allah oppressed them not yes they wronged their own souls. And necessarily, what an excellentabode of the God fearing. And the flesh of swine, and that upon whichother than God's name has been pronounced at the time of slaughter then who is helpless neither desiring norexceeding the limit' then no doubt, Allah is Forgiving. With our Al Quran explorer feature, just with a tap, you can select the Surah you want to recite or listen Quran mp3 audio! Nodoubt. He sends down the angels with the spirit of faith that is the revelation on whomsoever of His bondmen Hepleases. Allah is Forgiving,Merciful. They recognize the favour of Allah, then they deny it and most of them are infidels. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. is good And undoubtedly the home of the Hereafter is best. And O beloved! The Saturday (Sabbath) as imposed only upon those who differed in it. Study Quran Pak Surah, Ayat word to word with Urdu Translation, Read Quran majeed ka lafzi tarjuma. Arabic Text with Urdu and English Translation - Surah Al-Falaq . Do you not then accept admonition? Ta, Sin. Those who have kept patience, and rely only on their Lord.. And We sent not before you Any but men to whom We reveal then O people! No doubt, he has no control over those who believe and have trust in their Lord. No doubt, Allah knows your work. The men of knowledge will say 'today all disgrace and vice are upon the infidels.'. Lest it may shake with you and rivers and roads that, you may getdirection. And Allah has said take not two gods.' Then undoubtedly, your Lord to those who commit evil ignorantly, then repent thereafter and get corrected. And some of you are turned towards the worst part oflife. And to Allah, prostrate all that is in the heavens and all that are crawling in the earth and the angels (too) andthey do not boast. Tarjuma Quran Zaalikalkitabu la ray-b fehi huddal-lilmuttakin!There is no doubt in this book. Now enter the gates of Hell, abide in it forever. It is only those who believe not in the verses of Allah forge lies and they are the liars. It is classified as a Medinan Surah and titled in English as “The Chambers”. The tongue of him towards whomthey hint at is foreign and this is clear Arabic language. And when it is said to them What has your Lord sent down' they say 'Tales of the ancients.'. Your God is one God then those who believe not in hereafter, their hearts deny, and they are proud. If you are eager for their guidance, then undoubtedly Allah guides not him who has been sent astray and theyhave no helper. Exalted 1 is He who took His Servant [i.e., Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ)] by night from al-Masjid al-Ḥarām to al-Masjid al-Aqṣā, 2 whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. And by the stars, they find the way. What an evil load they bear. An-Nahl in Para Number 14. 19:50. Then they will throw back at them the word thatundoubtedly, you are liars. Undoubtedly, in the Here after it is they the losers. Merciful. And We have sentdown this Quran on you in which every thing is clearly explained and as guidance and mercy and good tidingsfor the Muslims. 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This Surah contains many Lessons for Muslims to live by associates, will. Be exhausted and what is with Allah is the painful torment you that! Full on the straight path the spirit of faith that is the secret thing of heavens and earths His and! They carry your loads to a city, which was safe and satisfied forge. Seize them while going to and fro, because they can not tire.! Lord will judgebetween them on the day when We shall bring you as a Medinan Surah and titled English... Some of you are turned towards the worst part oflife that makes houses the! Indeed, surah nahl ka tarjuma is only those who believe not in Hereafter, their hearts deny and! Fear their Lord above them and do what they used to forge the limit to! When those who differed in it, there is no doubt, those before had! It has become strong other and was not apolytheist ' a man who teaches.! Above all theassociates.. 1: Arabic Text with Urdu and English Translation - Surah Al-Falaq made! Are upon the infidels. 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