how to encourage my husband spiritually
Dying to Self in Your Marriage - Crosswalk Couples Devotional - May 12, 6 Things Satan Wants More Than Anything Else, Our Top 10 Mistakes in 50 Years of Marriage, 4 Challenging Passages of Scripture We Need to Take Seriously, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, {My husband collaborated with me on a few of the points:} 1. Whether your spouse is a new Christian, a non-Christian, or just a nonplussed Christian, it’s hard not to... Don’t Stand in the Way. Spend time in nature while focusing on each other. Help him cling to You, and help me to support him and submit to his leadership. I affirm him for teaching the kids at Sunday School. As a leader and father, it is certainly nothing I felt as a “safe” choice to lead my family. My husband is a daily Weed smoker and it bothers me so much, even when we were dating i hated it, we got married when i was in a backslide state and after marriage the Lord drew me back to Him. I believe what God is saying, in Scripture, is “model it to him so he can see through your life what Christ-likeness looks like.”. May 15, 2019 - I want to think of myself as a fixer but I'm not always great at it, especially when it came to "fixing" my husband's lack of being able to lead spiritually And what husband can do that? All rights reserved. My husband Steve just didn’t rise to the position of being a strong spiritual leader in our family. One day she came home and said, "You have to start coming to church with me. Thank You for adopting us into Your family, sustaining us with Your grace, and providing faithfully. 10. Look for things your husband is doing right. In the past 20 years of ministry, my husband and I have often seen well-intentioned wives trying to pull their husbands along spiritually. Spiritual leadership is not a competition. It was a continual matter of frustration for me as his wife. Pushing Him Up to be a Spiritual Leader. My husband and I have been together for almost 30 years and married for 25 of those years. Taking the initiative is what I want him to do, but he won’t. {My husband collaborated with me on a few of the points:} 1. I actually wanna be a catalyst for what You’re doing. As you practice those characteristics you are modeling Christ-likeness to your husband and showing him – rather than telling him – what faith really looks like. If it wasn’t for my husband… My husband walks thru the door telling me every minute detail to his day while I wait for him to stop talking. Rather in this case I would encourage you, dear sister, to. Maybe conclude with the Lord’s prayer, if spontaneous prayer doesn’t come easily for you. And it’s important that you recognize that, no matter what your hopes and dreams for your husband from a spiritual standpoint, what happens in his relationship with God comes down to him and God – period. A woman with a gentle and quiet spirit is one who is calm, not worried; quiet, not stressed. How A Wife Can Encourage Her Husband To Lead Spiritually. My situation is a little different….I am the wife hesitant to attend church with my husband. Every Christian should be leading others spiritually through discipleship, evangelism and nonverbal witness—this is our testament to the world! She would drop him hints, recount to him great sermons, buy him books on how to be a godly man, and sign him up for every “spiritual” opportunity for men at her church. You can even, gently share with him some articles on how to lead your wife spiritually. In addition to a lifestyle of purity, reverence is another characteristic that may win our husbands over without a word from us. Amen. – Cool, okay so, the topic for today is how can a wife encourage her husband to lead spiritually and when, how Aaron and I kind of set up and prepare for these podcasts episodes is we have a document that we both share and we kind of just, once we have the topic down, we’ll go in every so often and add notes and look over it and share our thoughts about it. It does not look like pulling, pushing or manipulating. What he found were rock-solid men, just like he thought he was. Article Images Copyright ©, Encouraging Your Spouse to Grow Spiritually, 7 Ways to Give Your Husband Breathing Room, 4 Things a Romantic Relationship Can Never Give You, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. He abandon me when I needed him. He doesn’t hit or curse me for the most part. First things first. Pour your heart out to Him and allow Christ to quiet your heart and heal your wounds. Are you frustrated with where your husband appears to be spiritually? I know that my husband loves me with all of his heart. It doesn’t matter that you have a Bible degree or were a theology major, God chose your husband to … Encourage Him. Taking the initiative is what I want him to do, but he won’t. There are several powerful steps you can take to encourage your husband’s spiritual life and leadership: Express Gratitude. Help me to be the wife that he needs me to be. When a couple reads together, they are not only opening their minds, they are opening their hearts. Even if he’s not willing to share, he might want to blow off a little steam by venting. We've joyfully observed many husbands who have been wooed and won by the irresistible spiritual influence of their wives. Stand where he stands, sit where he sits, walk where he walks, and PRAY. That may mean having the table set for dinnertime devotions with the Bible beside his placemat. Christian Relationships and Marriage Resources. When my husband is feeling weak, please remind him of your love and your support, and help him to recall my love and support for him as well. One of the ways we can be pure – and separated from the rest of the world – is to not have a critical or argumentative spirit. 3. Truly, he is. To encourage your husband’s faith you must first shore up your own heart. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? When warriors are weary, they need to be encouraged. At night, when we pray together, we always thank God for our marriage and ask Him to bless it. Let the following insights equip you to encourage your husband to lead your family: A Willing Follower Encourages a Spiritual Leader ... things a wife can do to encourage her husband to take on spiritual leadership is to look to him to help her grow spiritually and gain more understanding about God and His Word. He showed me that I was not living by faith, and encouraged me to transform my thinking. Anger, resentment, and apathy are signs of a closed heart. And use your gifts to spiritually lead him closer to Christ. My friend, Theresa, told me that she tried for several years to get her husband to be the kind of godly man and spiritual leader that she had envisioned when they married. After all, he thought, kids need a good moral input.This arrangement worked fine for Doug and Jan until the children became too much for her to handle at the church service. First things first. What is this unfading beauty and “inner self” that Scripture says will have a profound impact on our husbands, drawing them to a relationship with Christ or developing in them a desire to grow closer to Him? 2 | Encourage Them With Joy. Every wise husband not only accepts, but invites challenge, encouragement and counsel from a godly wife. And I just don't tell him often enough how much I appreciate him. What can you do if your husband refuses to lead your family spiritually? Simple ways to support and encourage your husband’s spiritual leadership without being controlling or demanding. Wow! Or it may mean finding some material to help him plan and schedule family nights. While it’s commendable for you and I to desire that our husbands be all that God has created them to be, we must remember that God never made it our responsibility to bring our spouse along spiritually. When I stop and think about, we have actually been together more than half my life. I have tried to encourage him to do so, but I’m at a loss! Or maybe you’d just like to see him have a relationship with Christ in the first place. Philippians 2:14-15 says: “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life… ” (Philippians 2:14-16). Your husband may feel this "public spiritual insecurity" more acutely than you ever felt it.Remember that spiritual unity does not mean spiritual uniformity. You could, … but please don’t! I know that my husband loves me with all of his heart. They may reason, If my husband were more involved as a spiritual leader, our kids would respect me more. And one of the first ways to encourage your husband to grow in his relationship with Jesus is to honor his style of living out his faith. Responding with gentleness and respect Whether it was being put on the spot when someone asked you to pray or responding to a "simple" Sunday school question in broad daylight, you felt embarrassed. My husband and I connected spiritually when we read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance together. I also firmly believe that there is only one thing that Satan would prefer more than to see our husbands not leading our families spiritually – and that is to see our husbands not leading and us wives becoming bitter, angry, self-righteous, and resentful about it. May 15, 2019 - I want to think of myself as a fixer but I'm not always great at it, especially when it came to "fixing" my husband's lack of being able to lead spiritually I often wonder if that portion of Scripture is included for us today because God knew just how much we would try to push and pull, hint and convict, and even at times manipulate our husbands into sharing our faith or meeting us at the same level in our faith. Encourage his leadership efforts. "In Jan's words, when Doug came back from that event, "everything changed." Helping Your Spouse Grow Spiritually Be Patient. It is so encouraging to know that there are wives out there who are actively trying to understand how to help their husbands lead their home. Find a support group that encourages you to respond to God regardless of the suffering you are going through. Then, if necessary, address the issue with your husband. So many unknowns, so much uncertainty. Are You Asking Your Man to Walk in Faith Like a Woman? Before you can encourage your... 2. The question asked above was what the wife should do if her husband isn't leading spiritually, but I'm telling you what a husband should do. When you witness how he gently teaches your child or prays with them, let him know how it made you feel. More often than not, they tell me that their husbands are struggling spiritually, struggling in marriage, struggling at work. As we all know actions speak louder than words. As with many marriages and relationships, we have had our fair share of ups and downs, but these experiences have brought us closer over the years. One of my greatest concerns as a mom is how I am nurturing my kids spiritually. Make prayer a habit that takes place throughout the day. I affirm his steadiness and the ways he has supported me in my ministry. You could try leaving tracts on your husband’s pillow, reading Scripture loudly when he walks by, or keeping yourself busy by attending lots of church functions. If you hope to lead your wife spiritually, you must violently pursue Jesus Christ. 7 Wonderful Gifts of Relationships with Your Adult Children, 7 Prophetic Words God Has for Us about the End Times, 10 Things You Need to Know about the Number 666, Set Apart for His Glory - (Genesis 1:3-5) - Your Daily Bible Verse - May 11. It says to respect them regardless. He had spent the early years of his marriage working in and around the coal mines of western Canada. I have to allow him to grow in his faith on his own. This was a big deal to me because in prior years I might have rolled my eyes and asked him why he was so tired. 3. That may mean having the table set for dinnertime devotions with the Bible beside his place mat. If that seems too difficult for you, start just by praying together silently. He is kind to me tho and loving. And our kids are always telling us to stop making out in the kitchen because it's gross. Openness about these topics creates an environment conducive to spiritual growth. He also reaffirmed me, sharing with me how much he appreciates what I do and specifically pointed out how much I am capable of doing by listing things that I have already accomplished. Any woman will gladly obey and respect her husband when she knows he is absolutely right in the decisions he makes and how he leads. Try noticing what you appreciate about your husband. But, as women in general, we tend to be impatient when it comes to the spiritual growth of our men. It’s easy to see how a wife in this situation could easily blame her husband for any problems the family has. While perfection isn’t possible or even necessary, your behavior can attract or repel your... Be Authentic. Because when I tried to change him spiritually to be the man I envisioned him to be it almost ruined our marriage. Jesus told his followers: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Every Christian should be leading others spiritually through discipleship, evangelism and nonverbal witness—this is our testament to the world! It is not unusual for a wife to be further along spiritually than her husband. An encounter with God did something for Doug that Jan could never do. With that in mind, I can’t exhaust this topic, but I’d like to share my favorite ways to encourage my husband when he’s feeling especially pressured and discouraged in ministry. My husband and I connected spiritually when we read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance together. Show her better ways to respond to her husband. In a dating relationship, we can help one another lead spiritually by encouraging each other toward Christ. These women don't try to argue their husbands into spiritual depth. Now you may be thinking, But, I have a non-Christian or a spiritually carnal man as my husband. "To Doug's credit, he agreed and began attending church as the bouncer for his elementary-age kids -- and that's when his world turned upside down.Doug never expected to find "real men" at church; he expected only "pansies." My marriage is so messed up and I’m almost ready to leave my husband. Theresa said, “The best gift I can give my husband is to allow him to be who God created him to be. (See Proverbs 31:10-31, especially verses 11, 12 and 26.) Now, obviously this is going to be an issue if your husband is unsaved. When I have had a constructive suggestion to my husband, in the way of spiritually leading our family, it always goes over better when that suggestion is … And I just don't tell him often enough how much I appreciate him. Truly, he is. I remembered my stepfather, who raised me, supported my mother and me, had no biological kids of his own, and treated me like a dad should treat a son. To revere your husband is to respect or admire him even if you don’t agree with what he says or does. Okay, … Many men are suffering silently indoors. He was happy to let her. My husband told me he was saved before we got married and now he is saying he didn’t believe in his heart. And though he had traveled as a young boy with his minister-father, Doug considered God irrelevant.Doug didn't resist when his wife offered to take their young children to church. Oh, I try to remember to send a random 'I love you' text a few times a week. He is very angry and calls me names when he’s drinking. And so, when one of the men from church asked Doug if he wanted to join their group for a little road trip, an event sponsored by a group he'd never heard of -- a group called the Promise Keepers -- Doug said, "Sure. In a dating relationship, we can help one another lead spiritually by encouraging each other toward Christ. Her husband does not control her and her children’s ultimate outcomes. I don’t remember what I said or did, but I do remember that later that night my husband thanked me for encouraging him. They don't berate them for not being spiritual enough. Reconcile Your Views With the Bible’s Views on Spiritual Leadership. 5. When a couple reads together, they are not only opening their minds, they are opening their hearts. And, many women are raising their children by themselves and do not have a husband to look to for spiritual leadership. Saying, okay Lord. As with many marriages and relationships, we have had our fair share of ups and downs, but these experiences have brought us closer over the years. Their husbands are attracted to the vitality of a woman whose love for God infects every part of her with a deeper passion, so that she wants to be more patient, more understanding, more winsome, and able to laugh at herself more readily.What spiritually resistant men usually fear is not that their wives will become too bright and too alive by knowing Jesus but that they will become too boring, one-dimensional, and adventureless. To encourage your husband’s faith you must first shore up your own heart. Reconcile Your Views With the Bible’s Views on Spiritual Leadership. It's refreshing to see a man emboldened to take the next step spiritually as the result of a simple, encouraging comment from his wife, such as, "It's great the way you help people -- seeing things that need to be done and just doing them," or, "I love the way you cut through all the clutter and get to the real issue when we talk about spiritual things." Spiritual intimacy occurs when you as husband and wife surrender your lives and relationship to the Lord. Pray for them brethren. Talk about the world around you, the beauty you see in the world, and the beauty you see … How can you encourage spiritual growth in your husband? The most common complaint I hear from wives is, “My husband won’t lead spiritually.” Here’s part of a message I received recently that captures the problem: I’m really struggling trying to get my husband to lead. Or, if he taught our kids the Bible, maybe our kids wouldn’t fight as much. He’ll be encouraged. Your wife is worth the extra effort. Another way to encourage her is to simply acknowledge the huge responsibilities she may be taking on in light of her husband’s apathy. Listen now. So if your husband is put off by God or by the church, find out what will turn him on spiritually -- and wait for your wooing witness to have it's effect.Honor and Respect Your Husband's Pursuit of GodEven if you grew up going to church every time the doors were open, you may be able to remember a time when talking about spiritual things felt uncomfortable. Ask your spouse what you can do to encourage him to lead spiritually. He studies atheist books every day and is conversing with them on different web sites and going to atheist meetings. When he comes to worship with me, I tell him how much it means. Saying “I respect you” was speaking his love language. Go for a walk together and hold hands. This also means, if I am acting in a lot of hurtful, condescending ways, and my husband doesn’t feel safe with me emotionally or spiritually, my sin is a stumbling block to my ability to influence my husband in godly ways. Thankfully my husband and I have had many wiser people go before us, and we’ve gleaned some insights from them that we are now trying to (though not perfectly or completely!) encourage her husband in his faith as well — and that’s not the same thing as “leading” him spiritually. The best weapon against these painful emotions is gratitude. Or, if he led us in prayer sometimes, maybe we wouldn’t be in this financial mess. The most common complaint I hear from wives is, “My husband won’t lead spiritually.” Here’s part of a message I received recently that captures the problem: I’m really struggling trying to get my husband to lead. (This is Part 2 of a Two-Part Series on “Accepting His Spirituality”. My husband and I have been together for almost 30 years and married for 25 of those years. And I just wanna repent that because I do want my husband to rise up. Make sure he knows not to sweat the small stuff. And chances are, if he doesn’t know or live for Christ, he may struggle in many areas of his life. Women, are you at a loss for how to pray when your husband is struggling spiritually, or in any other way? You can have a tremendous impact on your husband by quietly shining the love of Christ in your home. But more than anything in my heart, I had a deep desire to speak words that could encourage, bring intimacy, and that would build up my marriage. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Your husband is worth the extra effort. A quiet spirit says, without words “I’m not going to worry about this situation because I know my God is in control.”. Pushing Him Up to be a Spiritual Leader. Description This is a cool topic that actually came from some wives in the MAG community online who asked us to specifically talk about this. If he misses dinner, days at a time, due to work, bring him a bite to eat. This is gonna be difficult, but I have been angry and bitter. Chances are you are one who would like to see more initiative when it comes to your husband leading your family, spiritually. “The joy of the Lord” was my first roommate’s strength and focus which drew me to … It was a continual matter of frustration for me as his wife. Here are some character traits that may have a profound effect upon your husband’s spirituality: Why would Scripture point out that the “purity and reverence of your lives” would be something that would win your husband over to the Lord? Go for a walk together and hold hands. Goodness gracious, I lead hundreds of … Dying to Self in Your Marriage - Crosswalk Couples Devotional - May 12, 6 Things Satan Wants More Than Anything Else, Our Top 10 Mistakes in 50 Years of Marriage, 4 Challenging Passages of Scripture We Need to Take Seriously, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, It’s hard to respect the spiritual advice of someone whose life is a mess or who is hurting you with their own sin. It may mean going to bed early so you have time to read the Bible together. 8 Reasons Why It's Hard to Separate from a Narcissist. Your husband cannot lead you to a place he is not going and you cannot make him go there. I do understand your situation, if you are desperate to see your husband be the godly spiritual man he is called to be. My warrior was weary. It’s something I prayed about a lot. Lead in finding conferences to attend, messages to watch online, and other means to grow in the Word together and to spur each other on in the faith. When I stop and think about, we have actually been together more than half my life. 3. The Bible doesn’t say to respect your husband only if they deserve it. How Many Times Is Love Mentioned in the Bible? God doesn’t have a pleasant reaction to lukewarm Christianity. My husband Steve just didn’t rise to the position of being a strong spiritual leader in our family. How much more then are you ministering to his heart when you respect and admire him, out of a love for God and a desire to please your heavenly Father first! Fortunately, God has given some trustworthy directives that won’t backfire. They don't try to trick their husbands into "witnessing ambushes" cleverly disguised as dinner parties at the homes of Christian friends.No, there is something refreshing about he wild honesty of these women's faith. Prayer builds spiritual intimacy as few other things can. My husband is incredible- have I ever told you that? When you notice your husband doing a great job leading the family, tell him. I’ve talked to hundreds of wives, over the past 20 years of my ministry, who will attest to the fact that their words are rarely effective when it comes to trying to convince their unbelieving husbands to submit to God. All rights reserved. It all started in 2016 after my knee replacement he started texting another women, drinking everynight and binge drinking on weekends till 6 am the next morning. An old management technique from my college days was to “catch them doing something right.”. On each other toward Christ godly spiritual man he is taking what he says or does up your heart..., if he looks tired after a long day of ministry, my husband always. Express Gratitude him often enough how much it means husband Steve just didn t! 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