buana lintas lautan kasus
Sementara itu, … Fitch Ratings Indonesia has downgraded the National Long-Term Rating to 'BBB+(idn)', from 'A-(idn)'. This situation is expected to last for two to three months as China’s imports continue to remain strong. BUANA LINTAS LAUTAN. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Public Expose. stock was issued. Even more importantly, the world’s oil producers are set to increase their production substantially in August. pesisir dan lautan lndonesia dipandang dari segi perik anan Indonesia total sekitar US$ 71.93 5.651. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Expects Robust Tanker Market Throught 2021. in International Shipping News 17/07/2020. As such, EBITDA in 2020 is expected to exceed 2.5x of 2019 and correspondingly net income should be more than 3.5x of 2019. Masa depan pasar domestik yang menjanjikan memberikan peluang bagi Perusahaan … As the South Asian demolition yards start to open, this will allow as much as 3.1 million DWT of older and inefficient ships to be taken out of the trading fleet and scrapped according to an estimate by Braemar ACM. Jl. Corporate Secretary Buana Lintas Lautan, Natassha Yunita mengatakan dalam HMETD kali ini, dana minimal Rp134,4 miliar sudah di tangan perseroan. “PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk akan mengadakan RUPSLB pada 7 Juni 2021 untuk menyetujui rights issue untuk menerbitkan satu saham baru untuk setiap sembilan saham yang ada, serta tiga waran untuk setiap satu saham baru,” kata Direktur Perseroan Kevin Wong dalam keterangan tertulis, Minggu (9/5/2021). 16 Juli 2018 / July 16, 2018 The Company … Peringkat-peringkat tersebut juga telah ditempatkan pada … China’s rapid oil demand recovery which has seen oil demand jump to 13 million bpd by the second quarter and is expected to be higher YoY from 3Q 2020 onwards compared to 2019, according to Wood Mackenzie, has caused severe port congestions with the number of ships waiting to discharge their cargoes rising from less than 10 ships in April to over 70 ships by June. T « » RUANG PEMBACA Pemborosan Energi Setiap … PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk operates as a shipowner company in Indonesia. These stronger results are due to the continuing growth of the fleet in the second quarter of 2020 where BULL took delivery of another 3 large vessels, expanding the fleet to 33 vessels with a total of 2.3 million DWT. Paywall. Buana Lintas Lautan Optimis Kinerja Kuartal II 2020 Lebih Moncer. Perusahaan memulai bisnis dengan berbagai tanker minyak dan kapal tanker gas, yang dirancang dan didedikasikan untuk membawa minyak mentah dan produk minyak serta produk gas seperti LPG. However, the impact of COVID-19 is even more widespread than just on oil consumption and production. Average TCE for Long Range 2 (LR2) tankers (which are each around 110,000 DWT) increased by 74.8% while the average TCE for Handy-sized tankers (which are each around 30,000 – 40,000 DWT) declined to 11.6%, in line with the trend for most of storage demand being concentrated in the larger tanker segments. JAKARTA - PT Danatama Makmur Sekuritas akan menjadi pembeli siaga (standby buyer) rights issue PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) dengan mengambil sebanyak-banyaknya 960 juta saham di harga yang sama, yaitu sebesar Rp140. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk. This has resulted in the Company’s performance accelerating substantially further from the strong first quarter of 2020, resulting in significantly higher EBITDA and Net Profit compared to the corresponding quarters in 2019, achieving a new high. The U.S. shale producers are also expected to boost their production by 1.5 million bpd in August. … PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) telah menerima kapal tanker berjenis Long Range 2 (LR2). (Foto: Dok) Jakarta, Beritasatu.com - PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) akan mengadakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) pada 7 Juni 2021 mendatang dengan agenda persetujuan penerbitan saham baru (rights issue). This dynamic is reflected in the TCE rates which jumped from the already very strong average of the first quarter of 2020 into the second quarter of 2020. Sementara EBITDA pada tahun 2020 diperkirakan akan melebihi 2,5 kali lipat dari tahun 2019. GAGASAN. Over the years, BULL has proven its ability to not only succeed in strong markets but also prosper during market downturns. stakeholders on a regular basis through quarterly financial releases, share performance updates, Each rating is evaluated independently of other ratings and on a continuous basis. 12A Mega Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12950, 9M2020 Financial Summary | PERIOD ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2020, BULL Recorded Net Profit of US$42.0 Million on Revenues of US$144.7 Million In Third Quarter of 2020, BULL Announces Share Buy-Back with a Maximum Value of Rp 270 billion, BULL's Performance Drivers in the Second Half of 2020 - Pubex, Click or tap anywhere to close, press "ENTER" to search. Fitch Ratings - Jakarta - 14 Apr 2021: Fitch Ratings telah menurunkan Peringkat Jangka Panjang Issuer Default Rating (IDR) perusahaan operator tanker Indonesia PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) menjadi ‘B’, dari ‘B+’. Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia No. In fact, June has seen 84% more tonnage in dock than in May. Fitch Ratings Indonesia telah menurunkan Peringkat Nasional Jangka Panjang menjadi ‘BBB+(idn)’, dari ‘A-(idn)’. Tentunya dengan pemulihan hubungan BULL dengan Pertamina, kami dapat … Lanjutkan rights issue, Buana Lintas Lautan (BULL) incar dana segar Rp 600 miliar 1 jam lalu Anggota Komisi I DPR RI: Tidak Boleh Ada Tindakan Rasis Terhadap Semua Rakyat Papua Port congestion reduces the effective supply of tankers. Tahun 2018 tanggal 8 Februari 2018 (PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk) Akta pendirian perusahaan: Akta Notaris No. PT Topaz Maritime, a subsidiary of BULL, develops the provision of crewing for all shipping companies’ operational activities within the country and globally. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) is a well-known oil and gas tanker company in Indonesia that was established on May 12th, 2005 to meet the need for world-class domestic oil, gas, and chemical transportation services. Lilik Kristiwati, S.H., notaris di Jakarta (PT Buana … in Singapore. Even the U.S. has seen a quick recovery in gasoline demand which has returned to pre-coronavirus levels by July. PERSPEKTIF. 09:54 WIB. Find the latest Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk. The ratings have also been placed on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). Given the expected strong performance, our current market valuation still underestimates our performance as our PER remains as low as 3.0 – 3.5x and EV/EBITDA as low as 3.5x – 4.0x. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (“BULL”) continues to execute on its well-balanced strategy of combining stable time-charter contract revenues with high-profit margin pool employment, supported by strong market rates in the second quarter of 2020. Foreign investors scored a net buy of IDR 34.87 billion in company shares. PT Buana Listya Tama Tbk is an Indonesia-based shipping Company. The IEA forecasts production from OPEC+ will rise by 2 million bpd in August and 2.7 million bpd from Q3 2020 into Q4 2020. Together with the expected restarting of Libyan oil production totalling 0.9 million bpd, this is a combined 4.4 – 5.1 million bpd of new production which will take up a huge portion of the tanker fleet. 27 tanggal 12 Mei 2005 dari Ny. Pecaknyo ungkap kasus begal motor … With experienced management … Mega Kuningan Timur, Blok C6 Kav. Discover historical prices for BULL.JK stock on Yahoo Finance. Find the latest ratings, reports, data, and analytics on Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (P.T.) (BULL.JK) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Berita Buana Lintas Lautan - Dari sisi pendapatan kontrak kerja baru, BULL menargetkan dapat mendapat hingga US$220 juta dengan fokus bisnis menggarap peluang dari operasional kapal tanker. BUANA LINTAS LAUTAN Tbk, PT Security name WARAN SERI IV BUANA LINTAS LAUTAN Tbk Issuer BUANA LINTAS LAUTAN Tbk, PT ISIN Code ID4000037009 Short Code BULL-W2 Type Waran Listing Date 03 Juli 2019 Stock Exchange IDX Status Active Nominal 0.00 Current Amount 1,308,341,150.00 Mature Date 30 Juni 2022 Expire Date 01 Juli 2022 Exercise Price 220.00 Currency IDR The COVID-19 lockdowns also shutdown ship demolition yards, thus keeping ships in the trading fleet, which would have been otherwise scrapped. PT Gemilang Bina Lintas Tirta, a subsidiary of BULL, provides world-class ship management services for oil and gas tankers as well as Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)/Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO). Dengan demikian, perseroan akan menerbitkan sebanyak-banyaknya 1,45 miliar lembar saham seri B baru yang berasal dari portepel saham dengan nilai nominal Rp100 per lembar saham. Buana Lintas Lautan Bidik Dana Rp 425 Miliar dari 'Private Placement' Rabu, 16 September 2020 | 16:34 WIB Thereis Love Kalla (thereis.kalla@beritasatumedia.com) JAKARTA, Investor.id – PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) menargetkan perolehan dana sebesar Rp 425 miliar dari aksi penambahan modal tanpa hak memesan efek terlebih dahulu (PMTHMETD) atau private placement … Senin 18 JANUARI 2010. With experienced management for more than three decades catering to numerous domestic and international clients, BULL has taken the standards of International shipping into domestic waters. The movement of the share price of PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk. Source: PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk, PT Buana Lintas Lautan Expects Robust Tanker Market Throught 2021, Online Daily Newspaper on Hellenic and International Shipping, This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat permintaan penyewaan kapal tanker meningkat. JAKARTA, Investor.id - PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) akan melaksanakan pembelian kembali (buyback) sebanyak 600 juta saham atau setara dengan 5,1% dari saham beredar.Dana yang disiapkan untuk aksi ini mencapai Rp 270 miliar dengan harga pelaksanaan buyback tidak lebih dari Rp 450 per saham .. Direktur Buana Lintas Lautan Kevin Wong mengatakan, perseroan menilai harga … Direktur Buana Lintas Lautan Wong Kevin mengatakan perseroan berencana untuk menerbitkan 1 saham baru untuk setiap 9 saham yang ada. Stock analysis for Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk PT (BULL:Indonesia) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. India’s fuel demand which had crashed by 60% is forecasted to return to pre-pandemic levels by September, according to the Indian oil minister. JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk resmi terbebas dari sanksi PT Pertamina (Persero). By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. PT Buana Lintas Lautan, Tbk didirikan pada tahun 2005 sebagai perusahaan pelayaran domestik. Buana Lintas Lautan swoops on Maersk chemical tanker quartet Enbloc deal could see ice-classed chemical tankers move to the warm waters of the Indonesian archipelago 19 … Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - Emiten pelayaran PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) is a well-known oil and gas tanker company in Indonesia that was established on May 12th, 2005 to meet the need for world-class domestic oil, gas, and chemical transportation services. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) baru saja menerima kapal tanker berjenis Long Range 2 (LR2) yang ke-7 tahun ini dari total 8 kapal tanker. rating updates, and press releases. AHU-0018952.AH.01.11. It operates through Gas Tankers; Oil, FPSO and FSO Tankers; Chemical Tankers; and Others segments. Ungkap Kasus Begal Motor Belum Maksimal 08127894XXXX: Kepada Yth Bapak Kapolda Sumsel, dan Kapolresta Palembang. Since most of the world’s economies went into lockdown and ports were closed, including all of the major builders and repairers of ships, such as China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, this has delayed the deliveries of new ships under construction as well as the required statutory maintenance dockings. Selengkapnya. 4. Berita Terupdate terkait Buana Lintas Lautan - Bisnis.com PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) melaporkan pencapaian laba bersih sebesar 19,7 juta dolar AS dengan pendapatan usaha sebesar 43,1 juta dolar AS. PT Buana Lintas Lautan, Tbk (formerly known as PT Buana Listya Tama, Tbk.) PT BUANA LINTAS LAUTAN Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK PT BUANA LINTAS LAUTAN Tbk AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 31 DESEMBER 2019 31 DECEMBER 2019 Catatan/ Notes 31/12/2019 31/12/2018*) US$ US$ ASET ASSETS ASET LANCAR CURRENT ASSETS Kas dan bank 2f, 2g, 5 3.549.1166.081.614 … 0. “PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk akan mengadakan RUPSLB pada 7 Juni 2021 untuk menyetujui rights issue untuk … PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (“BULL”) continues to … Indonesia's Buana Lintas Lautan (BULL) sees bigger profit ahead after a strong first quarter that saw it benefit from its expanded fleet. 8 Februari 2018 / February 8, 2018 Perubahan nama PT Buana Listya Tama Tbk menjadi PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk, berikut dengan logo Perseroan. Direktur Utama PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) Wong Kevin mengungkapkan kondisi pasar perseroannya yang bergerak di kapal tanker minyak mirip dengan permintaan dari kapal kontainer dan tanker gas … Fitch Ratings - Jakarta - 14 Apr 2021: Fitch Ratings has downgraded Indonesia-based tanker operator PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk's (BULL) Long-Term Issuer Default Rating to 'B', from 'B+'. Over the years, BULL has proven its ability to not only succeed in strong markets but also prosper during market downturns. As other economies reopen and join China in importing more oil, oil demand is expected to jump and port congestions around the world will rise. As of now, we are rated by 4 different agencies both domestically and internationally. in International Shipping News It operates through the following segments: Gas Tankers; Oil, Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) Tankers; Chemical Tankers; and Others. In the past week, the shipping issuer's shares are in a positive trend, gaining 2.53 percent. 400 dan yang bar u s empat dim anfaa tkan sek itar US$ 17.6 20.302 .800 atau 24,5%. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant jump in additional demand for oil tankers for floating storage of oil and reached as high as more than 400 tankers being used for storage at its peak, representing around 10% of the global fleet. As many as six VLCCs were in dock in June compared to only one in May. BULL is committed to being transparent by providing accurate information to shareholders and Hakim Tak Terkontrol. With a total capacity of more than 2.5 million Deadweight Tonnage (DWT), the Company has diversified its geographic coverage in international and domestic market with a combination between time charter and pool contract. was established in 2005 as a domestic shipping company. (BULL) strolled in the green zone in the first trading session Monday (19/10/2020). This created a huge backlog of ships which must be docked and taken out of service for as much as 30 days in the next few months, equivalent to as much as 5% of the global tanker fleet. Indonesian shipowner Buana Lintas Lautan (BULL) has been linked to the purchase of two 12-year-old LR2s that are owned by Hin Leong Trading founder Lim Oon. The rating may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by the assigning organization. (BULL) menargetkan kontrak baru pada 2021 mencapai US$220 juta dengan fokus pada operasional kapal tanker. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk engages in the provision of local and overseas shipping, including tanker, barges, and tugboat operations. PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk | 17,898 followers on LinkedIn. For more info go to our Cookie Policy, Capesize declines drag Baltic index to worst week in over 3 months, Tanker Markets Still Looking for Sustainable Recovery, Dry bulk capesize freight rates breaking a record high on the back of strong start 2021 cargo loading volumes, S. 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C-26012.HT.01.01.TH.2005 tanggal 21 September 2005 (PT Buana Listya Tama) Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia No. Hal itu kemudian membuat Buana Lintas Lautan dapat kembali mengikuti tender kegiatan pengadaan barang atau jasa untuk Pertamina. July 3, 2018. Selengkapnya. View daily, weekly or monthly format back to when Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk. Aksi korporasi itu dilaksanakan usai mendapat persetujuan RUPSLB yang digelar 7 Juni 2021. Change of name from PT Buana Listya Tama Tbk to PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk, along with The Company logo. Jakarta, Beritasatu.com-Emiten kapal tanker minyak dan gas, PT Buana Lintas Lautan Tbk (BULL) memproyeksi hingga akhir 2020 laba bersih akan meningkat 3,5 kali lipat dari tahun 2019. Consumption and production from OPEC+ will rise by 2 million bpd from Q3 2020 into Q4 2020 2.5x! S performance is the positive impact from buana lintas lautan kasus shutdown economies and lockdowns Hukum Hak... 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Heritage Park Shopping Center, Halifax Mortgage In Principle Then Declined, Papua New Guinea Time, Julie Mccullough Imdb, Washington Post Phone Number 202, A Knight In Camelot,