the number 273 in the bible
23 Balaam said, “Build me seven altars here, and prepare seven bulls and seven ramsfor me.”2 Balak did as Balaam said, and the two of them offered a bull and a ram on each altar. The twelve were then totaled. The tank was beside the power meter on the back wall of the church. But every word I have recorded here is as accurate as I can make it, and most of it is verifiable by examination of the unforgeable evidence or talking to the living witnesses I have cited. [GR] > The Number 273 - THE KEY And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; If you start at zero longitude and face east, (which is customary in Hebrew tradition), then progress 273 degrees you will come to Alabama. Join the discussion on the Bible Wheel Forum! We asked a Montanan prophetess to pray for us to hear the Lord in this regard. 8 2 Sam. 10 1 Sam. Their response was like the proverbial “calf looking at the new gate”. I am an Alabama Rancher/Pastor. This is not too remarkable, but what stunned us, was that when we traveled to the actual real life sites on the three highways, they were all beside the same mile marker – you guessed it – “273”! Give me grace enough to get you to where this is going without being offended at the seeming selfishness of what I have to relate.]. Top 10 Significant Numbers in Biblical Numerology. And Charles’ and Roger’s had happened before the April 1995 revelation! Six falls short of the number seven, God’s number of completion and perfection, and man falls short of the perfection God created him to be. It is known that many numbers have special symbolism in the Bible. Another apparition is in verse 23 of the first chapter of Genesis, where the death of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, is explained. Four Major Insights into the Word of God that are fresh, delicious, and accurate. He said that the day before my wife and I were married I was approximately six months older than she. Flamehorse. 16 1 Sam. Numbers 23:1-30 23 And Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven bullocks and seven rams. We propose to take them in order, and to give under each not merely lists of passages or things, but to, where possible, explain their significance and illustrate their meaning. As you can imagine, it was brought home to us that God is Sovereign over the affairs of men and the boundaries men have drawn on the earth. Charles had had a vision and Roger and I had had dreams in which we had seen dramas play out at real places beside three different actual highways, namely Interstate 65, and state highway 69 and US 231. 19 1 Sam. Numbers 23. What A Long Strange Trip It's Been. Create a free website or blog at When I asked why it was not the 273rd day from the beginning of the year , He told me that leap year would mess it up every fourth year. This whole 273 plus 3 revelation happened in one sitting. The angelic number 273 is a combination of vibrations and influences of the number 2, energies of the figure 7 and qualities of the number 3. They were considered a nation apart, and yet within the greater nation Israel. 6 2 Sam. However, the day we became one flesh, we became the same age, she having become about 3 months older and I three months younger, spiritually speaking. I eventually gave up and started doing my daily Bible reading, which I had gotten a little behind on in my travels. However, many individuals and researchers believe that this number is mystical and that it belongs to so-called cabalistic numbers. Full Text Hebrew/Greek Bible Gematria Database, Historical Archive of the Bible Wheel Site, 3.0 (Bibles, Wheels, and Brains), Debunking Myself: Our average age on our wedding day was 27 years, 3 months, 3 weeks, and ZERO days! and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; The Stone which the builders rejected [Ps 118.22]. It is used 273 times in the Bible, including its derivatives (e.g, sixth) and another 91 times as “threescore” or “60.” Man was created on the sixth day (Genesis 1:26, 31). When the realtor had us stop our vehicle on the land and ride with him so he could show us the corners of the property, our odometer was on 133, 273.3 miles! The subjects of the dreams and visions all had to do with the Church. It is a holy number that relates to harmony and new life, as well as the triune nature of God. I opened my mouth to tell her, but before I said a word, she said “Stop! It appears 467 times in the Bible. It is a composite number, so thanks to its root number 9, these vibrations have great energy and strength. It is known that the letter W is a symbol of the Satan and it is known that the letter W is on the 23th position in the Latin alphabet. he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, To my dismay it is 276! I was there, worshiping and being ministered to for five days. Where Do We See the Number 3 in the Bible? Angel number 273 is a sign of good fortune. See also Exodus 31:15 and Daniel 3:1. Two months later a friend told me about a fellow who knew a realtor who had a large tract of land for sale. What Does the Number 23 Mean in the Bible and Prophetically For most people the number 23 is a number between 22 and 24. I knew at that moment what I could not prove objectively till I had rushed home and dug out some maps. 29 1 Sam. 9 1 Sam. At first I saw nothing – then I suddenly saw what He was saying! Life changing, unique, over arching scriptural "Big Pictures" that will forever change how you see The Father and His Word. I thought, “Lord, why didn’t you knock off three of those guys – this is so close!” He then spoke to me again: “Read it again.” When I did I saw that Paul, Luke and Aristarchus got on the boat in the first verses. 3 Balaam instructed Balak: “Stand watch here beside your Whole-Burnt-Offering while I go off by myself. 14 1 Sam. About this time I had an unusual encounter with the Lord. The prime Number 271 is the Tenth Centered Hexagon number - Hex (10) - found in the heart of the Tenth Star Number, the prime 541, this latter number being the value of Israel, The Commandments, and the Stone Tablets. “Here is wisdom. I was sure that He meant this would be right away. I prayed for a while but seemed unable to break through. Numbers Ten tells the sequence in which the tribes of Israel marched through the desert. I recovered from the third but the first two prevail till this day. The use of the number three begins early in the Old Testament, showing up in the earliest accounts of recorded history. The Significance Of Bible Numbers . On the first anniversary of the 273 revelation, 4 April, 1996, the Lord said he was going to give me 3 birthday gifts. If the readers desire to have a part in the Lord's work as soul workers, it would be great for them to begin their own tract ministry by down loading our messages and send or give copies to others. Rick said the Lord can perfect the church in one day because with the Lord “one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” Since “273” is the number of the church and the number “7” represents perfection, the 2737 sequence is a prophecy embedded into “Earth Time” that the Lord can perfect His Church in one day. My “chutzpah” was a little intimidated by the fact that it was 532 acres of prime river bottom land, but we mortgaged everything in sight and did it anyway. And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith So I sat down and soon figured out that I had been 27 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 0 days old on our wedding day. 23 1 Sam. Wrong. On the other hand, I have told less than half of the part of the story that I know about. This vibration creates a great interest in what is unknown. Those places will have something to do with planning, organizing, gathering, and sending. That night I was going to tell my wife about the land. 2 And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and a ram. Perhaps the Lordwill come to meet with me. We were confronted with a strange fact. 9 SPIRITUAL NUMBERS… Strangely, each tribe’s count came out very even. In rare occasions, we can actually prove that a number is designed to a quantity that's other than the number. Probably without any importance. Though we had never heard of Cloud’s Cove, the land was famous within the county for its history of keeping the law out and conducting illegal activities and bloody feuds with no outside interference. 7:4; 14:1, 3) are the multiples of 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10, a symbolic number that signifies the total number (tens) of the people of God (twelves). The number is especially significant in the book of Revelation, as “666” identifies the beast. Bible numbers enrich spiritual understanding. 6. I had the sense, that, though the word was about the church, it was also about the land we would be shown. It fits like a hand in a well tailored glove! Seven years after the Revelation, in August of 2002, He said “I’m about to show you the land”. Since “273” is the number of the church and the number “7” represents perfection, the 2737 sequence is a prophecy embedded into “Earth Time” that the Lord can perfect His Church in one day. According to Alfred Weysen, twenty seven is a lunar symbol, indicating the light in darkness. In the Old Testament: I decided to see if it would be 13 miles to the land. For all you readers who are science buffs, the Lord has disclosed a couple of neat insights with regard to 273 that I think you will enjoy: A Celsius or Centigrade thermometer is based on the way God made water and the human body. Last, the Lord told them to count the firstborn of Israel. [Dear reader, I hope you understand why it has been hard to write and publish this account. My scheduled reading for the day was the census chapters in the book of Numbers. Projecting down as cold as you can go to absolute zero, which is the point where there is no heat at all, and you are at – 273 degrees! “That’s ‘odd’”, I thought, “in both senses of the word”. The Disciple’s Cross will be willingly embraced because of sincere devotion to Christ. It … Glory will also be on groups and individuals. 20 1 Sam. Given the elaborate nature of prophetic numerology, this study will deal only with the meaning of individual numbers in the Bible. The 153 great fish, (of John 21:11), are symbolic of the Gentile nations being harvested at the end of the age, and the 120 Jews in the following chapter, (Acts 1:15), is the Church. The 144,000 (Rev. Where is this going?” The Lord has been gradually painting a picture for us since the beginning of the Revelation that looks something like this: The best of times and the worst of times are coming. 1 Balaam said, “Build me seven altars here, and then prepare seven bulls and seven rams.”. What A Long Strange Trip It's Been, Copyright © 2021 Richard Amiel McGough All Rights Reserved. (They numbered 22,000). They serve the priests, (all Christians) making God’s children better able and more prepared to enter the Most Holy Place of intimacy with God. I drew circles in a row and put the names of the tribes in them. I am ordained by MorningStar Ministries under Rick Joyner. 2 Balak did it. ), prophesied to Charles Payne that the Lord was saying that “’With the Lord, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day’ and 273 is embedded in that statement, and you, Charles are supposed to figure out how!”. Thus, we believe the enemy has tried to defile by bloodguilt what he recognized as a special place, much as Jerusalem is some of the most blood soaked ground on earth. Questions? But I was also transfixed by what I could see my odometer was about to “say”. Three other prophetic experiences followed this that are a little too lengthy and complex for the scope of this story. Frankly, I was a little miffed, not seeing the point of my trip. Sure enough, at mile thirteen I was overlooking the most beautiful valley I’d ever seen. We will serve for “nothing”, for the sheer joy and honor of seeing the Lamb receiving the Reward of His Suffering. First He showed me that the tribe of Levi is never numbered with the rest of Israel in a “grand total”. On August 2, 1997 I felt the excitement of the Lord’s presence on Numbers Chapter Ten. So the church truly was hidden in Israel from the very beginning. The number 27 is oriented to spirituality and combines a great imagination with creative capacity. There is only one road in – one road out! The universally asked question is, “So what? Though the details will have to wait for another time, this is what transpired that fall, beginning 11-11-95. It is the symbol of the divine light. Those quantities, expressed in decimal fractions are: 0.10, 0.25, 0.25, 0.20, 0.33, 0.33, 0.30, 0.50, 0.50. This facilitated the work of the priests who actually went into the presence of God. 4 2 Sam. English Revised Version. 3 Then Balaam said to Balak, “Stay here beside your offering while I go aside. When Charles brought this to me, he wanted to know the significance of the “7’. Two are not the kind of thing I can share, but one is relevant to my over all story line: He told me that my birthday was the 273rd day from the END of the year. Since the first-born Israelite sons outnumber the Levites … As I held the elements, he spoke to me to look at a globe of the earth that was in the little class room I was in. Now when you have seen the most important secret meanings hidden in number 27, it is time to see something about its biblical meaning. It is a source of inspiration to many and – more curiously – a source of divination and secret codes. The Number of Man, including the Fallen Nature of Man and the Works of Fallen Man and the Evil of man. The message and modus operandi will be love. Represent the evolution tending to unify the duality, according to R. Allendy. There will be a time when the majority of the planet will be populated by those hosting darkness. This is because they “… equip the saints [priests] for the work of the ministry” (Eph. I just saw a vision.” I asked, “What did you see?” She said, “I saw a large thumb print.” I laughed and said, “I was about to tell you about a piece of land I learned about today. If you want to have your faith in God’s total sovereignty strengthened, get a copy of it. Christ is our atonement as symbolized by various animal sacrifices, but drink and meal offerings (“supplemental offerings”), were “poured out” on the altar with the sacrificed animal. Not only that, the “273 degree of longitude”, (which is between 86 and 87 degrees west longitude), runs right through the middle of Alabama. Numbers in the Bible often serve to simply state a quantity, but these quantities are by no means so fixed as to sic Euclidean algorithms on. "And as for the redemption of the 273 (lit., the 273 to be redeemed) of the first-born of the children of Israel which were more than the Levites, thou shalt take five shekels a head," etc. My name is Miles Wylie Albright. Barbara was 26 years, 11 months, and 4 weeks old and 0 days old on that day. No one will be looking for what is in it for self. I said, “God is about to do something with regard to this, impractical as it seems, and I want to be standing there waiting when He does.” Shortly thereafter I committed to go to our church building to pray every day till Jesus came with some further insight. I went to the Airport Vineyard Revival in Toronto, Ontario in late March of 1995. The Biblical and the Prophetic Meaning of Number 27. Three different men, (Charles Payne, Jr, Roger Halbrooks, and myself), had each previously had some prophetic experiences that had something in common. It’s in a tiny place called Cloud’s Cove, a three sided community bounded by the Tennessee River on one side, the Flint River on another side, and a steep mountain on the third side. Read all about it: Debunking Myself: The Hardening of Blessing – by Miles Wylie Albright. 8 1 Sam. But only later would I begin to recognize its significance. He said: “This is the number of the Church – the Jew and the Gentile joined together into the “one new man”. The angels are sending a message to you saying that prosperity and wealth will be coming your way at the right time. There is a lot I don’t know about what God is doing, even in our tiny little corner of the Kingdom. Then, in a slightly different fashion, there is a separate count of the thirteenth tribe, Levi, by name. Next he showed me that the Levites were the servants of the priests. After one of our worship sessions, a prophetic country boy type named “Junior”, (wouldn’t you know it? 30 1 Sam. So, in 2005 we bought the land. This number operates as a "sign-post" in Scripture study for the reader to "pay attention" to the significance of the next event. Comments? 273 years later, in the 3rd month, (3 March 2005), we bought the property. The priests (direct descendants of Aaron) were, of course, also part of the tribe of Levi, but the regular non-priest Levites, were there to serve the ones who were “priests”. 28 1 Sam. 13 1 Sam. We the church do not atone for sins by our suffering, but we share in His suffering. February 1, 1997 at 1:30 am I was taking communion at our church building. We later came to realize that it leans because it is the Disciple’s Cross, and is to be carried on an ongoing basis as opposed to the Cross of Christ, which is a finished work. Catholic Online has many special features to help you find the information you are looking for. I felt led to call my wife to come read it to me while I drew on a piece of paper. 27 1 Sam. At our next church service I told the congregation what the Lord had shown me. The feeling of being foreordained for such a time as this was overwhelming, to say the least. It was quite a moment. Next the Lord reminded of the crucial truth that all Christians are priests – that we are a “kingdom of priests”, and our primary calling is to be intimate with God. She emailed me on 3 SEP 2002, the 13th anniversary of Open Door Fellowship, the church I pioneered, with the following words: “Mile Thirteen”. Strange as this may sound, I believe the Lord said, “really there are 273 plus 3 people on board.” Is it coincidence that Paul and company are allowed to temporarily leave the ship in Acts 27:3, leaving 273 persons on board? (See meanings of 1 to 316 on side panel). 12 1 Sam. On August 2, 1997 I felt the excitement of the Lord’s presence on Numbers Chapter Ten. What does all this mean? 11 1 Sam. They were saying, basically, your numbers add up, but what does it mean?” My response evolved over the next few weeks. For Abellio, it is the number of the Holy Spirit. It is so about ME and MY marriage and MY church and MY state that it turns me inside out to write these things. 3 Then Balaam said to Balak, “Stand beside your burnt offering and I will go. Their total is 2.76, which says to me that BOTH the church, (273), and the leadership, (3), are supposed to be on the altar with the Lord! Mine had happened in the fall of 1995, though I never thought to go to the actual site till Charles and I stumbled on it on 11-11-95. 31 2 Sam. 21:16 represent an immense city that can house the total number (tens) of God's people (twelves). The Levites toted wood, built fires, and slaughtered animals, etc. 5 2 Sam. Darkness and even thick darkness will be on groups and individual people. They were New Testament “Levites”, and Levites are not numbered with Israel! Added together they are the “273”, the “church of the firstborn whose names are written in heaven.” (Hebrews 12:23), I was dumbstruck! (I believe the Lord has shown me that there is a prophetic connection with these things and the Albright family.). There will be places that have been appointed by the Lord and sanctified by His people that will be hubs of activity during the time of transition into what will eventually be the Reign of Jesus Christ, bodily, on the Earth. This line begins near Birmingham and ends near Guntersville. Certain prophetic books of the Bible, such as Daniel and Revelation, introduce a complex, interrelated system of numerology which exhibits definite patterns. Meaning of 23 in the Bible The Bible does not escape the digit 23 and appears several times. Suddenly I saw the key was the birth order of the original sons! Numbers have extreme symbolic purposes in the Bible, and number three stands out as one of the most prominent numbers featured in Scripture. I returned home on 4-3-95, which was my 43 birthday. I was totally astonished, dumfounded, and for once – speechless! I resolved to set aside the next day to fast, pray, and wrestle with God. The Centigrade thermometer has the freezing point of water as zero and one hundred, (from base ten), as the boiling point of water. Then I saw something I’d never noticed before: for some reason Luke suddenly inserts into his narrative the number of souls on board! This list looks at ten significant numbers in the Bible – numbers that pop up time and again. In the middle of the procession of Israelites as they marched across the desert, Simeon, the second son was followed by Gad, the seventh son and … you guessed it … Levi, the third son. 2 And Balak did as Balaam had spoken; and Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and a ram. In one session, the whole thing, from the definition of Levites to the separation of the Levites, census wise, to the definition of New Testament “Levites” , to “now, go read Acts chapter 27”, and the 276 I found in it. The Bible Wheel had been debunked by its author. And for the redemption of the two hundred and threescore and thirteen of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are over and above the number of the Levites, Good News Translation. Biblia Sacra – the Holy Bible – is the most widely read book in the world. For example, in the story of Jesus turning the water into wine it is written: “Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews..” (John 2:6) Is it … I have no idea where it is, how big it is, or how much it costs, but I believe we are going to buy it!”, The realtor told us to meet him at the intersection of US 231 and Hobbs Island road. I counted it up and, of course, He was right. What’s more, when we got out the State map and plotted the three points, they formed a straight line! 3 And Balaam said unto Balak, Stand by thy burnt offering, and I will go: peradventure the LORD will come to meet me: and whatsoever he sheweth me I will tell thee. He then asked me what our average age was the day we got married, for that was our true age, spiritually, on that day. This series will primarily focus on their spiritual significance. That tale is better seen than read. Search Catholic Online for Catholic news, entertainment, information, media, saints, Bible, and prayers. These guys were in five-fold ministry! His first appearance was in the Old Testament, where it is believed that Adam and Eve had a total of 23 daughters. It is generally north and south though it leans to the east about 27 degrees and 30 minutes. They say the church is such a mess that it will take a long time for her to get ready. 26 1 Sam. 21 1 Sam. 23 Then Balaam said to Balak, “Build seven altars for me here, and prepare for me seven bulls and seven rams here.” 2 Balak did just as Balaam had said, and Balak and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar. 1. It can easily be shown the supernatural design in the use of numbers, both in the works of God and in the Word of God. So these degrees are based on something God built into water. Numbers 23:1-30 23 And Balaam said unto Balak, Build me here seven altars, and prepare me here seven oxen and seven rams. 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