phosphorescence book club questions
I must remark, however, that after rendering phosphorescent large masses of certain sulfides, spread out so as to have only a thickness of some hundredths of a millimeter, and afterwards collecting the mass in a flask, its temperature was not appreciably raised. The highest temperatures, even when a whole meter of gas is heated, only gives them a hardly perceptible luminosity; whereas, if they are introduced in a rarified state into a tube through which an electric current is passed, they become greatly luminous. Phosphorescence is available wherever good books are sold and online as an e-book. The phosphorescence thus obtained can be repeated indefinitely on the same body by simply moistening it the moment it is dried by the heat. In all our ordinary sources of lighting, light is only manifested after the bodies producing it have been first brought to a high temperature. This instant New York Times bestseller is the story of two women --- both alone, both scared --- and one agonizing decision that will change the trajectory of both of their lives. At times I felt it less than cohesive, more a series of musings. ; these causes perhaps act, as has been said, by producing reactions, which, if not identical, are at least of the same order. This property of the electric spark was summarily observed as early as the first years of the last century. — must be calcined at a red heat for 15 hours before losing it entirely. Mixed feelings about this - there are some moments of beautiful writing, but overall this reads like the memoir of a privileged white woman...not what I was expecting. Such, especially, are ordinary magnesia, commercial calcium sulfate, and hydrated alumina. The old theory which considered phosphorescent bodies as simply restoring the light absorbed, as a sponge restores the water it has imbibed, is no longer tenable at the present day. It’s been a few days since I finished Phosphorescence and I can’t stop thinking about it. Dr Julia Baird is one of my favorite hosts of "The Drum", a popular ABC program on TV. No one could have suspected that the depths of the vast oceans, so long inaccessible, where reigned eternal night, were inhabited by innumerable luminous beings. The beauty of a paperback novel is multidimensional. One of the most singular characteristics of the chemical combinations capable of giving to bodies the aptitude for phosphorescence by light is, as is said above, an extreme mobility — that is to say, the faculty of being formed, and of being destroyed indefinitely, in an almost simultaneous fashion. This cost would be much reduced by employing rough diamonds, but Brazilian rough diamonds are almost undiscoverable in Paris, merchants finding greater profit in importing them cut.). Right now, it’s just average. This comprises the production of light incapable of impressing the eye, but able to impress the photographic plate and to be rendered visible by different means. The temperature varies, moreover, with the various sulfides.]. This is probably due to the fact that the chemical reaction which produces the phosphorescence can only be partially regenerated in certain bodies by light, while in others it is totally so, as especially with the phosphorescent sulfides and diamonds. As I expected, it was one of those classic errors repeated without verification to which repetition at length gives indisputable authority. The method of observation plays an important part in the research into the phenomena of phosphorescence by heat. The first trials made on a parcel of about 100 diamonds of all tints, half of them Brazilian and the other half Cape, immediately showed me one curious fact. The sulfide of calcium is the most rapidly impressed, that of strontium the least so. Relation Between the Intensity of the Phosphorescence and the Temperature of Insolated Substances. As a little light still issues from the lower part of the apparatus, the latter is surrounded by cardboard, which entirely envelopes it. The Sunday Book Club has 10,038 members. So many books in the “”getting through adversity” self-help genre sometimes focus a lot on someone’s own struggle with adversity and may only touch on the recovery or light towards the end, sometimes in a very preachy, do-this-and-you’ll-be-happier kind of fashion. Utterly Sublime, Deeply Moving: See Why you Must Read Julia Baird’s Phosphorescence Here In the company of arsonists One day recently, while swimming at sunrise, I began thinking about how Oscar Wilde described the dawn as like a ‘frightened girl’ who crept along the ‘long and silent street . Dr. Richard, curator of the collections of the Prince of Monaco, showed me a whole series of phosphorescent marine animals, and notably large fishes, possessing on each side of the body veritable lamps which they can mask at will. 2. I therefore examined innumerable samples of the variety of fluorites called chlorophane from the most important firms of mineralogists in Europe. Once you’re through with these, you’ll have the best-looking yard on the block! The green fluorite (chlorophane) often remains brilliant for weeks after being insolated”. Date and Time: 2.00pm AEDT on … Julia’s struggles with cancer are mentioned in a couple of chapters (a topic which can be trigger. NuEnergy is committed to sharing easy ways to go green with eco-friendly tips, renewable energy info, green business ideas, as well as tips and tricks for living a green lifestyle. The sulfides of calcium and strontium being little sensitive to the infrared rays, light up very well, on the contrary, with the light of a lamp or even of a candle. With the theories current it is not apparent in what form a body cold have preserved since its geological formation a provision of luminous energy which we can force it to expend by fringing it to a temperature which may often be less than 100° C. The experiments now to be mentioned prove that the explanation of the phenomenon is much simpler than that last given. All fluorites are slightly phosphorescent by light, save the yellow variety above mentioned and a green crystallized fluorite coming from Durham. Curves of the loss of phosphorescence as a function of the time have several times been published, and their equations calculated. PHOSPHORESCENCE IN SEA CREATURES • Jellyfish, as well as various species of worms, shrimp, and squid, all produce their own light through phosphorescence. It was formerly wished to make of these a special class, on the pretext that they had the property of transforming invisible uv light into visible light. Not only is time a secondary factor in the phenomenon, but a moment arrives when it has no effect on the loss of phosphorescence. Julia’s struggles with cancer are mentioned in a couple of chapters (a topic which can be triggering to me), but the book details the joys, wonders, and transformative experiences which she has found lighten her darkness, so I found the book to be a source of hopefulness and wonder, rather than one taking me on an emotional roller-coaster of dark memories. The first idea which strikes one is that the calcinations destroys certain foreign bodies necessary to phosphorescence. This element has in reality no fundamental influence, since, by means of a suitable temperature, we can entirely eliminate its action. WINNER OF THE ABIA BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021. The methodical study of the action of heat on phosphorescence demands a little apparatus easy to construct. The national bestseller, Phosphorescence is a beautiful, intimate and inspiring investigation into how we can find and nurture within ourselves that essential quality of internal happiness - the 'light within' - which will sustain us even through the darkest times. I failed to connect with this book. The name of phosphorescence is given to the property which several bodies possess of becoming luminous after having been exposed to various influences, that of solar radiations especially. To arrive at a precise knowledge of the causes of phosphorescence by chemical reaction, it must be produced by reactions far more simple than those preceding — the oxidation or hydration of well-defined compounds, for instance. From “Phosphorescence” by Julia Baird to “The Beginner's Goodbye” by Anne Tyler! I've given this book as a gift to two of my step-children so they too can discover the treasure within it's covers. I can only say that things take place exactly as if it existed. In addition, it lowers the degree at which they begin to shine by the action of heat. People living in green spaces have more energy and a stronger sense of purpose, and being able to see green spaces from your home is associated with reduced cravings for alcohol, cigarettes and harmful foods.”, 78 New Paperbacks for Your Summer Reading List. Phosphorescence by oxidation is exceptional. This topic is about Phosphorescence. While, after being calcined for 15 hours, it was destroyed in the case of many bodies, such as fluorspar, apatite, etc., yet I have been able to heat diamonds to 1000° C for 60 hours without altering their aptitude for phosphorescence. They are not, however; since, by calcining with sulfur the calcium carbonates of various sources we obtain sulfides of calcium of which the phosphorescence may be yellow, green, or violet. Consider it another reason for awe and wonder, this book is perfect for our times. Phosphorescence is the afterglow seen after the lamp is turned OFF. It reminded me of other vacuous books that try not to be self help but really are...Eat Pray Love etc. Chemical science, moreover, has no knowledge of combinations which can almost instantaneously be made, unmade, and remade indefinitely under such slight influences as a ray of light. The aptitude of diamonds for becoming phosphorescent by the action of light is not destroyed by heat, as in the case with many mineral substances. Some are placed in different parts of the body; others in the eye itself, or above it, and it is quite correctly that the latter have been compared to bicycle lamps. Julia Baird is a journalist, broadcaster and author based in Sydney, Australia. Nearly all, in fact, are capable of being illuminated by the uv end of the spectrum. Michelle Boudin is an investigative reporter for WCNC TV and a freelance writer. Landrin, in his Dictionnaire de Mineralogie, expresses himself as follows: — “A crystal of fluorite is only phosphorescent when polished. BOOK CLUB ALL BOOK CLUB KITS Click on any title for full details. A big hello to those who have just ‘joined’ the Grown-Up Girls Report virtual book club. The most transparent diamonds, when incinerated, leave a small quantity of ash hardly less than 2 percent, containing various bodies — magnesia, lime, and especially iron. Phosphorescence by Julia Baird ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The theme of this extremely well written book is ‘awe, wonder and things when the world goes dark’. I was almost convinced of the inexactitude of this assertion, since, according to my observations, the pulverized diamond does not lose its aptitude for phosphorescence. The passage from -190° C to the ambient temperature represents to the sulfide a considerable increase of heat, which causes it to rapidly expel the invisible phosphorescence acquired at -190° C. But it is between 0° C and 100° C that the experiment is most easily effected. When the mixture is perfectly homogeneous, it is poured, without being allowed to settle and in the same manner as collodion, onto a piece of cardboard laid flat. By its effects as well as by its causes, it is near akin to the phosphorescence by chemical reaction examined above. (2) For each phosphorescent body there is a minimum temperature below which exposure to the light cannot produce visible phosphorescence. When operating with screens as above described and placed in the focus of the spectroscope nothing is more simple than to observe the action of the various parts of the spectrum. We meet on the fourth Friday of each month, between 6 and 9 pm. I initially gave it 4* as I became a little ‘lost’ in the middle, but I think that was just me. From the above consideration may be deduced the following laws, applicable to all bodies phosphorescent by light or by heat: —. Books online: Phosphorescence: On awe, wonder and things that sustain you when the world goes dark, 2020, [(1) This means of distinguishing Brazilian from Cape diamonds is very exact, and has ore than once enabled me to enlighten purchasers of the real value of their diamonds, indications which have always been found correct by appraisers. Recent researches on deep-sea animals prove that, for an immense number of beings, phosphorescence is a normal means of lighting which enables them to guide themselves in those dark abysses of the sea where the sun never penetrates. For a long time, phosphorescence was thought a phenomenon as rare in the mineral as in the animal world. It is probable, however, that it is an action of different causes producing the same effect. You can follow him on Twitter @RonCharles . These last hardly admit, according to the adage of the early chemists, that bodies can act on one another save in a state of solution; nor do they admit combination in proportions neither simple nor definite. A book doesn’t need to be connected to… A very large number of bodies are capable, as Becquerel showed with his phosphoroscope, of acquiring the property of shining for a small fraction of a second after being exposed to light. 2. But I also know that in the presence of a sentimentalist I have to be on constant guard against my listless eye rolls and cynical takes from sneaking out. In studying the action of light on phosphorescent bodies, these latter ought to be spread on glass or cardboard screens. For example, vehicle break-ins have spiked all across the country these past few months. I do not know of what this opposing force consists. The above consideration on the intra-atomic origins of phosphorescence only constitute the suggestion of an explanation; the complete solution of the problem is still far off. We only know that it is a phenomenon which can survive the death of the animal. This book is filled with beautiful thinking, filled with gratitude, and filled with goodness. So, you've started your book club, you've bought enough wine to satisfy even your thirstiest pals, plus plenty of cheesy snacks.Now comes the difficult part—shaping your friendly chatter into an elevated, incisive conversation about the book you all agreed to read. Cape diamonds, hardly phosphorescent at 200° C., shine brilliantly at this temperature after the passage of electricity through them. At a very low temperature varying with each body, the curve of loss as a function of the time would be represented by a line nearly horizontal, which would signify that at that temperature the phosphorescence diminished very slowly. As, however, the induction coil was not then known, I thought it might be useful to take up again the study of the phenomenon. Stop Wasting Water: Start Preventing Clogs and Leaks Today! The Properties of Bodies Phosphorescent by Heat. Title Author Pub 100-year-old man who climbed out the window and disappeared Jonasson, Jonas 2012 1984 and Animal Farm Orwell, George 1949 1945 57 bus, The Slater, Dashka 2018 84, Charing Cross Road Hanff, Helen 1970 The list of bodies phosphorescent by heat is very long, though in treatises on mineralogy but a small number a re given: fluorite, fluorspar, topaz, several varieties of calcium phosphate, leucophane, diamond, are noticeable among them. Update Your Mailbox You…, It’s every business owner’s worst nightmare: an overflowing drain that floods carpeting, furniture, and other fixtures with dirty wastewater. They commence to shine at about 62° C. It has been said that the transparent fluorites do not exhibit phosphorescence by heat, This erroneous assertion can only be due to an imperfect method of observation. As the visible phosphorescence which follows insolation hardly exceeds for the most sensitive bodies the duration of a few hours, time has hitherto been considered as the principle element destructive of phosphorescence. The study of electric discharges in gases demonstrates the part played by electricity in the production of phosphorescence. The only bodies to which no phosphorescence can be restored by electricity are those to which calcinations really causes a loss. It is even sufficient to place the tube containing the rarified gas in the neighborhood of a high frequency resonator, or, again, to subject it to the action of electric waves. When studying the causes of phosphorescence, we shall see that the light manifested by bodies under the influence of temperature is the result of chemical reaction provoked by heat. These last experiments, easy to observe in a camera obscura furnished with a spectroscope, are more conveniently, though less exactly effected, with a simple yellow glass. Once formed, these combinations present some curious characteristics. Phosphorescence is not a self-help book, nor is it a memoir. I’m on the fence. Not one shone at 30° C., nor at the temperature of the hand. The oxygen of the air plays no part in phosphorescence by shock, which is favored, on the contrary, by the total absence of oxygen — that is to say, by a vacuum. She is non-preachy, relatable, and her fight for equality for women made me like her even more. Though air conditioning is not very eco-friendly, the more advanced HVAC systems are, the more efficiently they run. In addition to the phosphorescent beings which people the depths of the sea, there should be quoted the luminous bacteria which appear on the bodies of fish after their death and before their decomposition. . It is probably to the influence of electric actions analogous to those of which the effects have just been shown that certain stars, composed, as their spectrum shows, of gas, owe their luminous brilliancy. Julia Baird's writing captivated me from the very first page. It is so beautifully written, heartfelt and open. As the above bodies possess identical properties, and only differ from one another by the intensity of their phosphorescence, its duration, and the temperatures at which it manifests, I shall here confine myself to the examination of some of those which offer the brightest phosphorescence — such as the apatite of Estremadura and the green fluorite especially. The fluorites in question acquire, by insolation, a very feeble phosphorescence, which the eye, unless previously rested, does not perceive in the dark. I’m really not into this trend of journos writing thinly veiled memoirs/pseudo self help books with a few scientific refer. The great sensitiveness of these bodies to light comes very near to that of the gelatino-bromide photographic plates. Many of the bodies phosphorescent by heat, and especially the Australian opal, leucophane, and the apatite of Estrmadura, together with nearly all the different varieties of fluorite, likewise become phosphorescent by exposure to light; but their phosphorescence, being in that case very slight, is only perceived by the observer after a stay of 15 minutes in the dark. Phosphorescence is luminescence that occurs when energy is supplied by electromagnetic radiation, usually ultraviolet light.The energy source kicks an electron of an atom from a lower energy state into an "excited" higher energy state; then the electron releases the energy in the form of visible light (luminescence) when it falls back to a lower energy state. Phosphorescence is the afterglow seen after the lamp is turned OFF. It then bends slowly, becomes less and less oblique, and finally quite horizontal. Phosphorescence by electrical action gives, then, to atoms the same radiating properties as does heat. Be the first to ask a question about Phosphorescence. To restore to a calcined body its aptitude for phosphorescence, it suffices to pass electric sparks through it for a certain length of time. Consider it another reason for awe and wonder, this book is perfect for our times. I also felt a kinship with Baird as someone who, perhaps against their better judgement, is cursed by an unshakable personal faith tied to the institution of the church, and I deeply resonated with her descriptions of the sense of awe it inspires. 1. (3) To each temperature corresponds a certain emission of phosphorescence which cannot be exceeded. I especially loved Julia’s explanation of her faith, similar to my own, her fight for women, and that she shared her struggles and j. Also, there was a fair amount of ‘Christ’ talk, which always makes me roll my eyes uncontrollably. The action of the various regions of the spectrum is best observed with the phosphorescent sulfides. Chapter I – Phosphorescence Produced by Light. All these beings have been the subject of numerous studies, almost exclusively of an anatomical nature. There exist, however, a small number such as metallic uranium, which are rendered phosphorescent exclusively by friction. (3). Welcome to the second meeting of The Grown-Up Girls’s Report Book Club! [(1) These are, however, changes much too great. It is astonishing that so surprising a phenomenon as the phosphorescence caused by slight heat should not long ago have engaged the attention of physicists. As far as concerns zinc sulfide especially, comparative experiments made on screens placed one beside the other have shown me that no period of excitement ever precedes the period of extinction. Its explanation was very simple. This is basically an overview of the rudimentary things everyone already knows regarding being a somewhat functioning human (which is not as mysterious or elusive as the evocative title suggests), with some personal “there is room for every woman to win”-esque essays thrown in. It will suffice also to heat them up to about 70 C to enable us to see them shine. Want to see these questions in action, and join a fun monthly online book club (no awkward silences, promise!)? An insufferably self-indulgent memoir disguised as a shallow self-help book. The same operation may be repeated several times, but the duration of the luminosity of the metal becomes shorter each time, and finally — no doubt when it is entirely oxidized — heat no longer produces any effect upon it. Besides the “sea of fire” necessarily known to all navigators by the presence of infusoria, the ancient authors have mentioned the phosphorescence of certain marine animals. In order to solve this question, it was necessary to examine bodies which had not been brought to light since their geological formation. Not fabulous, but intriguing. There remains to us one more to study, viz. If you…, The pandemic has come with a lot more repercussions than meets the eye. DNF I gave up at 50%. “The sublime Academy Award winning actor, Halle Berry, told a group of reporters in London in 2004 when she was promoting Cat Woman, "Being thought of as a beautiful woman has spared me nothing in life. The bookish actor and literacy advocate is launching the LeVar Burton Book Club in partnership with Fable, described on its app and website as … It is not for this reason alone necessary to pursue the study of the phosphorescence of gases. It was even, as is known, this property which caused their discovery, and rendered them utilizable. I was somewhat apprehensive to read this - it was lauded by too many people, and I sort of feared it would be mawkish, self-indulgent and, worse, spiritual (whatever that means, I'm still vague on the definition). Questions about the nature of hope? It impresses the photographic plate very rapidly. Lots of namechecking of famous people for no real reason and other reminders of her privilege. The carbonates of lime employed have thus retained infinitesimal traces of foreign bodies varying with their origin. Time. Many minerals in nature possess the property of acquiring a bright phosphorescence when brought to a low temperature without first having first been exposed to light. You’ve come to the right place. We are a literary book club based in Ivanhoe, in the north-east of Melbourne. By approaching and withdrawing these two rods sparks of from 1 to 15 cm could be obtained at will. She hosts The Drum on ABCTV and writes columns for the Sydney Morning Herald and the International New York Times. Phosphorescence is not a self-help book, nor is it a memoir. This operation must always be effected by an assistant, while the observer remains in the dark so as not to be dazzled by the strong light of the burning magnesium, which prevents him afterwards from seeing the phosphorescence. I admittedly was not sure it would be for me, though the promise of optimism and awe during the pandemic lockdown were enough of a nudge for me to put a library hold on this audiobook. Below, we’re going to provide you with nine tips for yard maintenance. Phosphorescence as a Manifestation of Intra-Atomic Energy. The phenomena of phosphorescence which formerly struck us by their exceptional character, now do so by their frequency. If, for example, calcium carbonate is electrified by a spark of 2 cm, it shines very feebly at 200° C. It shines, on the contrary, very vividly if the spark is 15 cm long. Here author Julia Baird sheds light on seeking enjoyment through the little things in life, purposefully recognising moments of awe that will assist in providing a move to mindfulness and acknowledgment of our place in the universe. These fragments shone as vividly as those taken from the surface of the blocks. This persistence of the aptitude for phosphorescence, notwithstanding so prolonged a calcinations, shows that, if the phosphorescence of diamonds is due to the presence of foreign bodies, these bodies are not altered by heat, or at all events by a heat below that at which the diamond is destroyed. On the upper extremity of the chimney, which is pierced with lateral holes for the passage of air, we place horizontally, in order to stop the light entirely and to have a plane surface to receive the bodies required to be heated, the lid of a biscuit box. When this equilibrium is attained, the reactions which produce the phosphorescence stop entirely. Salts of radium lose, as I have shown in my earlier work, their phosphorescence when hydrated. If we wish to preserve the image of the sulfide impressed by the various rays, all that is needed is to lay the screen for a few minutes on a photographic plate, which is afterwards developed in the ordinary way. The Problems of Physics: Book III: The Problems of Phosphorescence. Welcome back. The above facts can be verified by means of screens of calcium sulfide placed on cards divided into halves. I was somewhat apprehensive to read this - it was lauded by too many people, and I sort of feared it would be mawkish, self-indulgent and, worse, spiritual (whatever that means, I'm still vague on the definition). 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