commander legends review
Reshape will have a place as a redundant mass land search spell, but it will really shine in Ramp decks with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and Field of the Dead as payoffs. Playing a tribal deck opens up the possibility of utilizing Mana Echoes to always be able to pay for Halana’s ability. At least the others have some interesting angle that makes them worth discussing. Let our listeners help get your creative juices flowing. The recent announcement of Commander Legends is leading many to speculate around the new product in a way unlike any other Magic: The Gathering product that we’ve ever seen. Last updated on April 12, 2021. Get ready to hit that times 1.5 speed, this episode is a doozy! View all the official card previews and spoilers for Commander Legends. You'll notice that the collector's number oddly places it squarely between Brinelin, the Moon Kraken and Confiscate, which doesn't make sense for a card whose name starts with an "F." What most likely happened here is that the card replaced the card Call to Mind at the last second due to having art by controversial artist Terese Nielsen. That said, though, I will mention that it feels like Wizards is giving - as I'll come back to in a minute - equipment strategies more support in the format. . Tatyova, Benthic Druid and Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait will both draw you a ton of cards. Welcome! 5 is great. I feel like this won't do more than a lot of the various proliferate effects out there and is comparable to Courage in Crisis, which is one mana cheaper at sorcery speed. In particular, I’d expect to see this in Temur and Sultai “goodstuff” decks, although Naya and Jund creature decks could certainly find a spot for it as well. Kodama’s Reach will put two lands into play, one of them untapped. The mechanics and types of cards we tend to see obviously have multiplayer games of Commander in mind. The one deck you wanted to sweep was Elves and this does nothing to it! The life loss is also mitigated by running cards like Essence Warden and Wellwisher. The decks that want this card (Elves and maybe Tron) either have too many misses or not enough gas to warrant it. The reason being it's safe to say you likely aren't playing Forceful Denial as your only counterspell and cascading into, say, actual Counterspell is just a total feel-bad. The latter is much more of a meme than anything, but both tend to spit out tons of lands and the Land Destruction deck controls the board to get you to the point where this is castable. A Temur deck with Thrasios, Triton Hero and Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith will be right at home with Reshape the Earth at the top of its curve. Splicers are an interesting concept, and ideas for Splicer Tribal (technically Golem tribal) decks have been floating around for a little while now. Listen to Commander Legends Set Review Part 1: The Legendaries - 270, an episode of Commander's Brew, easily on Podbay - the best podcast player on the web. A Golgari Krark-Clan Ironworks deck is certainly not something I have seen before, but it seems like a real possibility now. Are you ready to go up the Wonka-vator? Posted on November 11, 2020. Commander Legends is almost here!. Speaking of Commander gameplay…are you aware of the Commander Eternities Map variant? not to mention some Pioneer and Modern decks, too! Because ready or not, here we go. This was due to their only really being available in treasure chests for brief periods (as well as an additional Cube prize in the case of Thorn). Numa can lead a mono-green Elf deck that distributes +1/+1 counters among any number of Elves, and it has partner, so it can team up with Miara, Thorn of the Glade to add black mana, if the player so wishes. For Sultai, Damia, Sage of Stone is often built as a big mana deck that plays powerful spells that you’ll never mind finding off a quadruple Cascade. It could be right at home in a Group Hug decks but could draw more attention than you’d like. The BEST EDH cards that help your opponent! Finale of Glory in particular is useful if you Partner Kamahl with Akroma, Vision of Ixidor, since each token comes in with at least one keyword. 9/303 +15 Bonus. If you cast Reanimate to bring back Vilis, Broker of Blood with Kodama of the East Tree in play, you can then immediately drop Kokusho, the Evening Star from your hand. Cards #4 Jeskai Flashback. It's definitely a stretch, but I see a non-zero chance of this happening, so it's at least worth the slightest of mentions. level 1. When not shuffling cards, Ben can be found lost in a book or skiing in the mountains of Vermont. Archive. Marwyn the Nurturer and Gyre Sage can create monstrous amounts of mana, and Joraga Warcaller will pump the rest of your team for each counter it gets. . Ben was introduced to Magic during Seventh Edition and has played on and off ever since. Nick and Zak get through the first batch of spoils for Commander Legends, talking about tech, color pairs for partners, cards that maybe shouldn't exist, and more! +1/+1 counter decks have been a thing people have tried for a while now. There's plenty of other cards that do this effect better and none of them are Pauper playable as is. Reviews Below: David Fanany Player since 1995. The biggest flaw with this card is both how big (read: expensive) it is and how little it actually does for you. 3 is average. As a result of this last-minute swamp, we ended up with Flood of Recollection instead as a safe replacement. your password And, of course, this works well with Kamahl, Heart of Krosa. For Faeries, this kills all but Augur of Bolas as well as Gurmag Angler for the Dimir builds. C19—Best Artifact Cards. Given that it basically does the same thing and there's enchantment synergies there, I wouldn't bet on this one being played. By Wizards of the Coast. I don't really care how much mana Elves is capable of making - these are still far too costly, in an off color, and just don't do enough. Filigree Familiar is a really cool downshift because it hits a sweet spot. This comes down pretty easily with Tron mana and can give lots of buffs to your creatures as well with that same kind of mana. Date Reviewed: November 30, 2020. Even if you don’t plan on assembling a game-ending combo with Reshape the Earth, it will also find a spot in most Landfall or lands matter decks. The search being optional is important to remember, though, in case anyone is planning to follow this with Opposition Agent. Howling Golem is a really cool downshift for Pauper in that it plays with interesting design space and is something everyone can play. Related Posts. Commander Legends Set Review [Part 1] feat. Having them here in this set will tank their price, making them far more affordable and no doubt bring the cost of more than a few decks down considerably. Wizards has their pulse on the format right now and is watching very closely. Jalum Tome was an uncommon in Antiquities but has been a rare in every release since. Numa’s trigger only happening at the beginning of combat limits your ability to do anything too crazy, although, with the help of Ashnod’s Altar and Nim Deathmantle, perhaps, although both cards should go into a Numa/Nadier Partner deck anyway. Perhaps there's a fresh angle to take with Sacrifice decks and eight of this kind of effect, but I'm not holding my breath. It is focused on Draft, though it can be support Sealed as well—you just might need a few more than six packs to make it work. Nov 16, 2020. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Gruul is a great color combination for Halana, Kessig Ranger, giving you access to haste and trample for your big creatures, which she lets clear out any potential blockers as they enter play. Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Commander ad Populum, Ep 132: … Not only does it create the all-important 3/3 Golem artifact creature tokens, it rewards us for sacrificing those tokens. In general, I think it's far too expensive on the front end to matter most of the time. Armored Skyhunter Commander Legends (R) 3/3 Cr - Cat Knight $1.29 . Commander Legends Set Review - Part 2. And if it dies, you can get it back out of the graveyard to go in for the kill. We cover half the legends in this episode. If one of those happens to be Mystic Sanctuary, then you can put Reshape the Earth back on top of your library to do it all over again. Here are the changes I made to my War Chest. This is a neat card to be sure, but just isn't that great at the five mana it costs to cast. Nov 9, 2020. Commander Legends is coming, and with it a new chapter in many stories in Magic: The Gathering. That one guy on Twitter who constantly begs for more kithkin has finally been thrown a bone! If nothing else, Pauper Cubes will probably love this until the end of time. I think the card is very much worth testing for Elves - and possibly for some other decks that can find a way to harness it well. Dragons are probably the best choice, thanks to Lathliss, Dragon Queen and Utvara Hellkite. By Kendra Smith. Tana, the Bloodsower decks could combo Kamahl’s Will with Marton Stromgald to turn a wide board of tokens huge. I could, however, see it making an appearance in Elves for players who want a lot of haste but don't want to rely on the slowness of Crashing Drawbridge or the off-color aspect of Tuktuk Rubblefort. Kamahl’s Will lets you choose between making your lands into 1/1 Elemental creatures with vigilance, indestructible, and haste, or having each creature you control deal damage equal to its power to a creature you don’t control. There're tons of sweet cards coming to beef up your favorite Commander deck or even build a new one. I’m also excited to see very powerful cards mixed in with lower-powered, more unique cards that open up new possibilities. Commander Legends Pauper Review. This card has pretty much the same issues as all of the other cascade spells in the set for Pauper. Notably, Kodama of the East Tree also triggers when you play lands. I think it'll be a bit considering how hard things like the monarch cards and Fiery Cannonade are going to shake the format up, but I certainly think we'll see plenty of this card in the coming years - especially as bans inevitably come down. CMDR Central. This seems largely like some removal meant more for Limited than anything but is still some solid removal for White. But stay tuned, because there's set and color analysis as well as a look at what the two of them think this set's design means for Commander at the end! This set is just over 300 cards in size, and naturally, these cards are highly diverse to enable a wide variety of strategies and decks in booster draft Limited games. While that's also true, it's only true based on how we're building the deck currently. In general, the issue is that the cost is so high, there's no way to really control what you're getting and it could make the card actually a bad rate or else give you something at a bad time (countermagic, for example). Reshape the Earth feels a lot like Scapeshift. This page will help you follow along with everything coming on every day by giving you the outlets we have planned on each day. This is another pretty sweet piece of equipment for Pauper. Update: 2020-11-06. From which ones will they run personally to which ones they’ll expect to see out in the wild. Sol Ring, Burnished … Halana also synergizes with Alena, Kessig Trapper to power out one big creature by casting another. If you focus on going wide and spreading your +1/+1 counters out over your tokens evenly, Slurrk, All-Ingesting might be a decent Partner for Numa, Joraga Chieftain. Now here's a sweet downshift. Commander Legends (R) 3/4 Leg Cr - Ogre Wizard $0.35 . If you’d rather focus on graveyard interactions, Ravos, Soultender will let you play blink and reanimator, and also functions as an anthem for your tokens. Community Content. If you can find a place to make this package deal work well for you then it's a sweet deal well worth getting in on. New & Used (14) … Anara also pairs with the other keyword soup commanders in the set, Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh and Falthis, Shadowcat Familiar. Big spells like White Sun’s Zenith and Finale of Glory will give you a scary board very quickly. Rakshasa Debaser Commander Legends (R) 6/6 Cr - Cat Demon $0.39 . The North 100 crew return with part 2 of their Commander Legends Set Review. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). And of course group hug decks will be able to make great use of this card. Court of Bounty Commander Legends (R) Enchant $2.99 . It costs mana to activate, however, making it less than ideal for many a player of those archetypes. With Commander Legends a few short weeks away, the various legendary Commanders at its heart are taking the spotlight. hide. Promote. I wouldn't expect to see this too often, but it's very much a reasonable top end in the right deck. Court of Bounty is among the best ways for Jared to reclaim his throne. save. Next. She fits right into Neyith of the Dire Hunt and Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma, both of which want to fight and play big creatures. Get 2–3 of these eye-catching legends plus at least ten regular foils in every Collector Booster pack. Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder is another option to make an aggressive deck. COMMANDER LEGENDS IN THE ABSTRACT . Hard pass. Problem is, it was pretty expensive and players just wanted good old Fleshbag Marauder! This card on the surface isn't great at all. If these didn't come into play tapped, we'd be having a different conversation, but as is I can't say I'm much of a fan. While I don't plan on this seeing tons of Constructed play, I definitely think it'll be a Pauper Cube favorite. I have to imagine we'll see the card in other decks as well eventually, but there's no doubt that it's going to make a splash in TortEx lists when they pop up. We have better mana rocks in the 60-card format, but for Pauper Commander this is a sweet new piece of fixing. The more I look at this card, the more I actually like it. 0:00. We can even stack the extra power with Moraug, Fury of Akoum, especially since we’re going to need to be ramping a lot in order to cast Kamahl. All-Canadian, beer drinking, Magic the Gathering/Commander entertainment. Show Notes. I think the biggest cards worth mentioning here are clearly Palace Sentinels and Thorn of the Black Rose. All you're left with afterwards is just a plain vanilla 7/7. Let me know in the comments! Kenrith, the Returned King can easily give Magus of the Order haste and is a versatile leader for reanimator decks. As far as colourless utility lands go in cube this is certainly well up there with best and should tempt most cube decks into playing it. Nov 9, 2020. Dana, Max and Chris are back this week taking their first look at Commander Legends. While I think there's a lot of warranted concerns about it all, I think it'll all work out in due time. Brian and Evan are joined by the guest judge for the tribal showdown, Greg, to go over the new hotness: Commander Legends! Enjoy! Players tend to dislike effects that steal permanents, and lands are especially sacred in Commander. Add to My Podcasts. Kamahl will also reward you for branching out into white and going as wide as possible with tokens. Almost 3 hours of usable footage from a 6 hour recording, for your questionable enjoyment in this 2 part episode. Well worth testing and may be better later on depending on how the meta continues to evolve. It's not even that exciting in a draft environment since it has to die for you to actually get the card. Wipe out all those pesky tokens! Commander ad Populum Ep 96: Less Gathering, More Magic with Max Crandell. Like with many of the other cascade cards, there's just going to be a lot of times where you miss or else hit something that just doesn't do much for where you're at in the game. If you haven’t heard yet, there’s a new set out! Discussion. Szat's Will 1. Many of these cards had to be included for the Limited environment, which takes priority over Pauper given it has a more niche appeal compared to Limited. If nothing else, you can even have a good time drafting it, if not in person then on Magic Online! It's still a great card and an excellent choice to downshift, so we'll have to see if it'll actually show up or not. If you're not playing it, you'd best be prepared for it. Being the Monarch always feels great, but Commander Legends comes with a cycle of enchantments to make it even better. best. Tons of powerful cards are about to enter the format. We give nearly 3-hours of thoughts on Commander Legends and changes we would make in our Commander War Chests. Most creatures you'll run into in the format have only one or 2 power, so this can easily break through for some easy damage. News, articles, events & coupons. It feeds Meren of Clan Nel Toth experience counters, and fills your graveyard for Karador, Ghost Chieftain. A little life here, an extra card there, plus possibly some damage or acting as removal mean there's a lot going on here. Best Artifact Cards. I didn't, however, as I felt there was still enough nuance to talk about why a deck wants or doesn't want each card for a certain style of deck. There's a lot for Pauper to offer in even the worst of times, and I hope you too get to have some enjoyment out of the cards here. MTG Product Review This is a really cool card for a draft format like Commander Legends but less so in a 1v1 format like Pauper. no comments yet. report. While you can spread the +1/+1 counters across your creatures, they will have a bigger impact if they’re stacked onto key creatures. Commander Legends has a Buy-a-Box card, and we made sure it was one that could go into a lot of Commander decks. We got the full spoiler and complete decklists for Commander 2020 last week, and the lists are overflowing with sweet new cards and spicy legends to use in the command zone.In some ways, Commander 2020 is the most unique Commander release yet, being the first group of Commander precons tied to a specific set (in this case, Ikoria) and having five decks when last year only had four. to crack packs and discuss the most exciting cards!1 description 2 appearances 3 sources 4 notes and references 5 external links in the galaxy, some cities could cover an entire planet or moon surface, such as galactic city on coruscant. 1 comment. Nov 16, 2020. Sacrificing your lands can come with hefty risks, especially if you know that your opponents might respond with Aven Mindcensor or Opposition Agent. Are you ready to go up the Wonka-vator? Now you can call White with Benevolent Blessing to give your creatures protection without all of your auras falling off. Edict backup is nice too but it is hardly cost efficient either at five. Reshape the Earth is also great for Maze’s End decks. Probably not worth playing, but still another tool in the box. Reshape the Earth avoids those risks, and actually ramps you on your next turn, where Scapeshift leaves you with the same number of lands in play. I seriously love this new set–it features a … If your preference is to play artifacts rather than tribal, then you might consider Armix, Filigree Thrasher or Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor. Of all of them, Elvish Doomsayer is maybe the most Constructed playable, but it's just a worse Black Cat which already sees no play. Kamahl’s Will doesn’t provide you with draws from Neyith of the Dire Hunt, so I think this fits better into decks that want it for the first mode and that can occasionally make use of the second. Sadly one that isn't of any real use in commanderless games. In it, players will use the rules of the Commander format to build and use their booster draft Limited decks, centering any deck's color identity and strategy around a legendary commander or two.Each color of mana offers something unique to this format, and blue is certainly a busy color. Add to … This is a strictly better Cho-Manno's Blessing. Mana Confluence does not otherwise appear in Commander Legends. Sort by. To make sure you have as many Elves as possible, pair Numa, Joraga Chieftain with Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel. COMMANDER LEGENDS is by no means a regular or normal Magic: the Gathering expansion. In some Commander Legends Draft Boosters you can find a foil etched showcase legend or regular foil borderless planeswalker. 44. Episode 58: Commander Legends Review. 230 – Commander Legends Review: Non Legendaries. It's true this does nothing against Elves or Stompy (for the most part) but those are your fine-to-good matchups (same with Tron) anyways, so who cares? Commander Legends Review | Part 2. Using Propaganda effects to protect the Monarch token is already a solid game plan, and each Court makes that strategy stronger. Foundry Inspector is a really interesting one. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we're going to tackle two groups of cards brought into Pauper for the first time: the new monarch cards and the diamonds. Turning your lands into creatures has several uses, including combos with Village Bell-Ringer, and a backup plan in Ramp decks like Radha, Heart of Keld. There're several Ophidian variations that are just going to be better than this several times over and none of them are good, barring Ninja of the Deep Hours. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Halana, Kessig Ranger is a great card for fight-based strategies. Rootweaver Druid will let each player ramp by two, and they can choose not to, so it should avoid some of those bad feelings, but that will vary player by player. The card itself is fine and I like the design - especially for Cubes and Commander and the like - but it's just not what Pauper wants. Commander Legends Set Review Part 2 w/ Cobblepott and Pongo! My guess is there are better equipment than this that it's simply not worth playing, but should be kept in mind if that continues to grow into something real. N'T of any real use in commanderless games we ended up with flood of Recollection is a! Some cards so it works better Confluence does not otherwise appear in Commander n't discard their hand really do for! A rare in every Collector Booster pack lands come into play for free, since you can find a etched... Tell you to sacrifice your creatures for free, since you can put into command. Review - Part 1 mostly shade the Gathering/Commander entertainment and Wellwisher Kor Skyfisher, Palace and! [ Part 1 make an aggressive deck being played with Aven Mindcensor or Opposition Agent has given the. 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